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Put Session

lexruntimeservice_put_session R Documentation

Creates a new session or modifies an existing session with an Amazon Lex bot


Creates a new session or modifies an existing session with an Amazon Lex bot. Use this operation to enable your application to set the state of the bot.

For more information, see Managing Sessions.


lexruntimeservice_put_session(botName, botAlias, userId,
  sessionAttributes, dialogAction, recentIntentSummaryView, accept,



[required] The name of the bot that contains the session data.


[required] The alias in use for the bot that contains the session data.


[required] The ID of the client application user. Amazon Lex uses this to identify a user's conversation with your bot.


Map of key/value pairs representing the session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.


Sets the next action that the bot should take to fulfill the conversation.


A summary of the recent intents for the bot. You can use the intent summary view to set a checkpoint label on an intent and modify attributes of intents. You can also use it to remove or add intent summary objects to the list.

An intent that you modify or add to the list must make sense for the bot. For example, the intent name must be valid for the bot. You must provide valid values for:

  • intentName

  • slot names

  • slotToElict

If you send the recentIntentSummaryView parameter in a put_session request, the contents of the new summary view replaces the old summary view. For example, if a get_session request returns three intents in the summary view and you call put_session with one intent in the summary view, the next call to get_session will only return one intent.


The message that Amazon Lex returns in the response can be either text or speech based depending on the value of this field.

  • If the value is ⁠text/plain; charset=utf-8⁠, Amazon Lex returns text in the response.

  • If the value begins with ⁠audio/⁠, Amazon Lex returns speech in the response. Amazon Lex uses Amazon Polly to generate the speech in the configuration that you specify. For example, if you specify audio/mpeg as the value, Amazon Lex returns speech in the MPEG format.

  • If the value is audio/pcm, the speech is returned as audio/pcm in 16-bit, little endian format.

  • The following are the accepted values:

    • audio/mpeg

    • audio/ogg

    • audio/pcm

    • ⁠audio/*⁠ (defaults to mpeg)

    • ⁠text/plain; charset=utf-8⁠


A list of contexts active for the request. A context can be activated when a previous intent is fulfilled, or by including the context in the request,

If you don't specify a list of contexts, Amazon Lex will use the current list of contexts for the session. If you specify an empty list, all contexts for the session are cleared.


A list with the following syntax:

  contentType = "string",
  intentName = "string",
  slots = "string",
  sessionAttributes = "string",
  message = "string",
  encodedMessage = "string",
  messageFormat = "PlainText"|"CustomPayload"|"SSML"|"Composite",
  dialogState = "ElicitIntent"|"ConfirmIntent"|"ElicitSlot"|"Fulfilled"|"ReadyForFulfillment"|"Failed",
  slotToElicit = "string",
  audioStream = raw,
  sessionId = "string",
  activeContexts = "string"

Request syntax

  botName = "string",
  botAlias = "string",
  userId = "string",
  sessionAttributes = list(
  dialogAction = list(
    type = "ElicitIntent"|"ConfirmIntent"|"ElicitSlot"|"Close"|"Delegate",
    intentName = "string",
    slots = list(
    slotToElicit = "string",
    fulfillmentState = "Fulfilled"|"Failed"|"ReadyForFulfillment",
    message = "string",
    messageFormat = "PlainText"|"CustomPayload"|"SSML"|"Composite"
  recentIntentSummaryView = list(
      intentName = "string",
      checkpointLabel = "string",
      slots = list(
      confirmationStatus = "None"|"Confirmed"|"Denied",
      dialogActionType = "ElicitIntent"|"ConfirmIntent"|"ElicitSlot"|"Close"|"Delegate",
      fulfillmentState = "Fulfilled"|"Failed"|"ReadyForFulfillment",
      slotToElicit = "string"
  accept = "string",
  activeContexts = list(
      name = "string",
      timeToLive = list(
        timeToLiveInSeconds = 123,
        turnsToLive = 123
      parameters = list(