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Create Export

lexmodelsv2_create_export R Documentation

Creates a zip archive containing the contents of a bot or a bot locale


Creates a zip archive containing the contents of a bot or a bot locale. The archive contains a directory structure that contains JSON files that define the bot.

You can create an archive that contains the complete definition of a bot, or you can specify that the archive contain only the definition of a single bot locale.

For more information about exporting bots, and about the structure of the export archive, see Importing and exporting bots


lexmodelsv2_create_export(resourceSpecification, fileFormat,



[required] Specifies the type of resource to export, either a bot or a bot locale. You can only specify one type of resource to export.


[required] The file format of the bot or bot locale definition files.


An password to use to encrypt the exported archive. Using a password is optional, but you should encrypt the archive to protect the data in transit between Amazon Lex and your local computer.


A list with the following syntax:

  exportId = "string",
  resourceSpecification = list(
    botExportSpecification = list(
      botId = "string",
      botVersion = "string"
    botLocaleExportSpecification = list(
      botId = "string",
      botVersion = "string",
      localeId = "string"
    customVocabularyExportSpecification = list(
      botId = "string",
      botVersion = "string",
      localeId = "string"
    testSetExportSpecification = list(
      testSetId = "string"
  fileFormat = "LexJson"|"TSV"|"CSV",
  exportStatus = "InProgress"|"Completed"|"Failed"|"Deleting",
  creationDateTime = as.POSIXct(

Request syntax

  resourceSpecification = list(
    botExportSpecification = list(
      botId = "string",
      botVersion = "string"
    botLocaleExportSpecification = list(
      botId = "string",
      botVersion = "string",
      localeId = "string"
    customVocabularyExportSpecification = list(
      botId = "string",
      botVersion = "string",
      localeId = "string"
    testSetExportSpecification = list(
      testSetId = "string"
  fileFormat = "LexJson"|"TSV"|"CSV",
  filePassword = "string"