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Create Bot Version

lexmodelbuildingservice_create_bot_version R Documentation

Creates a new version of the bot based on the $LATEST version


Creates a new version of the bot based on the ⁠$LATEST⁠ version. If the ⁠$LATEST⁠ version of this resource hasn't changed since you created the last version, Amazon Lex doesn't create a new version. It returns the last created version.

You can update only the ⁠$LATEST⁠ version of the bot. You can't update the numbered versions that you create with the create_bot_version operation.

When you create the first version of a bot, Amazon Lex sets the version to 1. Subsequent versions increment by 1. For more information, see versioning-intro.

This operation requires permission for the lex:CreateBotVersion action.


lexmodelbuildingservice_create_bot_version(name, checksum)



[required] The name of the bot that you want to create a new version of. The name is case sensitive.


Identifies a specific revision of the ⁠$LATEST⁠ version of the bot. If you specify a checksum and the ⁠$LATEST⁠ version of the bot has a different checksum, a PreconditionFailedException exception is returned and Amazon Lex doesn't publish a new version. If you don't specify a checksum, Amazon Lex publishes the ⁠$LATEST⁠ version.


A list with the following syntax:

  name = "string",
  description = "string",
  intents = list(
      intentName = "string",
      intentVersion = "string"
  clarificationPrompt = list(
    messages = list(
        contentType = "PlainText"|"SSML"|"CustomPayload",
        content = "string",
        groupNumber = 123
    maxAttempts = 123,
    responseCard = "string"
  abortStatement = list(
    messages = list(
        contentType = "PlainText"|"SSML"|"CustomPayload",
        content = "string",
        groupNumber = 123
    responseCard = "string"
  failureReason = "string",
  lastUpdatedDate = as.POSIXct(
  createdDate = as.POSIXct(
  idleSessionTTLInSeconds = 123,
  voiceId = "string",
  checksum = "string",
  version = "string",
  locale = "de-DE"|"en-AU"|"en-GB"|"en-IN"|"en-US"|"es-419"|"es-ES"|"es-US"|"fr-FR"|"fr-CA"|"it-IT"|"ja-JP"|"ko-KR",
  childDirected = TRUE|FALSE,
  enableModelImprovements = TRUE|FALSE,
  detectSentiment = TRUE|FALSE

Request syntax

  name = "string",
  checksum = "string"