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Add Application Vpc Configuration

kinesisanalyticsv2_add_application_vpc_configuration R Documentation

Adds a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) configuration to the application


Adds a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) configuration to the application. Applications can use VPCs to store and access resources securely.

Note the following about VPC configurations for Managed Service for Apache Flink applications:

  • VPC configurations are not supported for SQL applications.

  • When a VPC is added to a Managed Service for Apache Flink application, the application can no longer be accessed from the Internet directly. To enable Internet access to the application, add an Internet gateway to your VPC.


  CurrentApplicationVersionId, VpcConfiguration, ConditionalToken)



[required] The name of an existing application.


The version of the application to which you want to add the VPC configuration. You must provide the CurrentApplicationVersionId or the ConditionalToken. You can use the describe_application operation to get the current application version. If the version specified is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.


[required] Description of the VPC to add to the application.


A value you use to implement strong concurrency for application updates. You must provide the ApplicationVersionID or the ConditionalToken. You get the application's current ConditionalToken using describe_application. For better concurrency support, use the ConditionalToken parameter instead of CurrentApplicationVersionId.


A list with the following syntax:

  ApplicationARN = "string",
  ApplicationVersionId = 123,
  VpcConfigurationDescription = list(
    VpcConfigurationId = "string",
    VpcId = "string",
    SubnetIds = list(
    SecurityGroupIds = list(
  OperationId = "string"

Request syntax

  ApplicationName = "string",
  CurrentApplicationVersionId = 123,
  VpcConfiguration = list(
    SubnetIds = list(
    SecurityGroupIds = list(
  ConditionalToken = "string"