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Add Application Reference Data Source

kinesisanalyticsv2_add_application_reference_data_source R Documentation

Adds a reference data source to an existing SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application


Adds a reference data source to an existing SQL-based Kinesis Data Analytics application.

Kinesis Data Analytics reads reference data (that is, an Amazon S3 object) and creates an in-application table within your application. In the request, you provide the source (S3 bucket name and object key name), name of the in-application table to create, and the necessary mapping information that describes how data in an Amazon S3 object maps to columns in the resulting in-application table.


  ApplicationName, CurrentApplicationVersionId, ReferenceDataSource)



[required] The name of an existing application.


[required] The version of the application for which you are adding the reference data source. You can use the describe_application operation to get the current application version. If the version specified is not the current version, the ConcurrentModificationException is returned.


[required] The reference data source can be an object in your Amazon S3 bucket. Kinesis Data Analytics reads the object and copies the data into the in-application table that is created. You provide an S3 bucket, object key name, and the resulting in-application table that is created.


A list with the following syntax:

  ApplicationARN = "string",
  ApplicationVersionId = 123,
  ReferenceDataSourceDescriptions = list(
      ReferenceId = "string",
      TableName = "string",
      S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription = list(
        BucketARN = "string",
        FileKey = "string",
        ReferenceRoleARN = "string"
      ReferenceSchema = list(
        RecordFormat = list(
          RecordFormatType = "JSON"|"CSV",
          MappingParameters = list(
            JSONMappingParameters = list(
              RecordRowPath = "string"
            CSVMappingParameters = list(
              RecordRowDelimiter = "string",
              RecordColumnDelimiter = "string"
        RecordEncoding = "string",
        RecordColumns = list(
            Name = "string",
            Mapping = "string",
            SqlType = "string"

Request syntax

  ApplicationName = "string",
  CurrentApplicationVersionId = 123,
  ReferenceDataSource = list(
    TableName = "string",
    S3ReferenceDataSource = list(
      BucketARN = "string",
      FileKey = "string"
    ReferenceSchema = list(
      RecordFormat = list(
        RecordFormatType = "JSON"|"CSV",
        MappingParameters = list(
          JSONMappingParameters = list(
            RecordRowPath = "string"
          CSVMappingParameters = list(
            RecordRowDelimiter = "string",
            RecordColumnDelimiter = "string"
      RecordEncoding = "string",
      RecordColumns = list(
          Name = "string",
          Mapping = "string",
          SqlType = "string"