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Update Query Suggestions Block List

kendra_update_query_suggestions_block_list R Documentation

Updates a block list used for query suggestions for an index


Updates a block list used for query suggestions for an index.

Updates to a block list might not take effect right away. Amazon Kendra needs to refresh the entire suggestions list to apply any updates to the block list. Other changes not related to the block list apply immediately.

If a block list is updating, then you need to wait for the first update to finish before submitting another update.

Amazon Kendra supports partial updates, so you only need to provide the fields you want to update.

update_query_suggestions_block_list is currently not supported in the Amazon Web Services GovCloud (US-West) region.


kendra_update_query_suggestions_block_list(IndexId, Id, Name,
  Description, SourceS3Path, RoleArn)



[required] The identifier of the index for the block list.


[required] The identifier of the block list you want to update.


A new name for the block list.


A new description for the block list.


The S3 path where your block list text file sits in S3.

If you update your block list and provide the same path to the block list text file in S3, then Amazon Kendra reloads the file to refresh the block list. Amazon Kendra does not automatically refresh your block list. You need to call the update_query_suggestions_block_list API to refresh you block list.

If you update your block list, then Amazon Kendra asynchronously refreshes all query suggestions with the latest content in the S3 file. This means changes might not take effect immediately.


The IAM (Identity and Access Management) role used to access the block list text file in S3.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  IndexId = "string",
  Id = "string",
  Name = "string",
  Description = "string",
  SourceS3Path = list(
    Bucket = "string",
    Key = "string"
  RoleArn = "string"