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List Clusters

kafka_list_clusters R Documentation

Returns a list of all the MSK clusters in the current Region


Returns a list of all the MSK clusters in the current Region.


kafka_list_clusters(ClusterNameFilter, MaxResults, NextToken)



Specify a prefix of the name of the clusters that you want to list. The service lists all the clusters whose names start with this prefix.


The maximum number of results to return in the response. If there are more results, the response includes a NextToken parameter.


The paginated results marker. When the result of the operation is truncated, the call returns NextToken in the response. To get the next batch, provide this token in your next request.


A list with the following syntax:

  ClusterInfoList = list(
      ActiveOperationArn = "string",
      BrokerNodeGroupInfo = list(
        BrokerAZDistribution = "DEFAULT",
        ClientSubnets = list(
        InstanceType = "string",
        SecurityGroups = list(
        StorageInfo = list(
          EbsStorageInfo = list(
            ProvisionedThroughput = list(
              Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
              VolumeThroughput = 123
            VolumeSize = 123
        ConnectivityInfo = list(
          PublicAccess = list(
            Type = "string"
          VpcConnectivity = list(
            ClientAuthentication = list(
              Sasl = list(
                Scram = list(
                  Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
                Iam = list(
                  Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
              Tls = list(
                Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
        ZoneIds = list(
      ClientAuthentication = list(
        Sasl = list(
          Scram = list(
            Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
          Iam = list(
            Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
        Tls = list(
          CertificateAuthorityArnList = list(
          Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
        Unauthenticated = list(
          Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
      ClusterArn = "string",
      ClusterName = "string",
      CreationTime = as.POSIXct(
      CurrentBrokerSoftwareInfo = list(
        ConfigurationArn = "string",
        ConfigurationRevision = 123,
        KafkaVersion = "string"
      CurrentVersion = "string",
      EncryptionInfo = list(
        EncryptionAtRest = list(
          DataVolumeKMSKeyId = "string"
        EncryptionInTransit = list(
          ClientBroker = "TLS"|"TLS_PLAINTEXT"|"PLAINTEXT",
          InCluster = TRUE|FALSE
      OpenMonitoring = list(
        Prometheus = list(
          JmxExporter = list(
            EnabledInBroker = TRUE|FALSE
          NodeExporter = list(
            EnabledInBroker = TRUE|FALSE
      LoggingInfo = list(
        BrokerLogs = list(
          CloudWatchLogs = list(
            Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
            LogGroup = "string"
          Firehose = list(
            DeliveryStream = "string",
            Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
          S3 = list(
            Bucket = "string",
            Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
            Prefix = "string"
      NumberOfBrokerNodes = 123,
      StateInfo = list(
        Code = "string",
        Message = "string"
      Tags = list(
      ZookeeperConnectString = "string",
      ZookeeperConnectStringTls = "string",
      StorageMode = "LOCAL"|"TIERED",
  NextToken = "string"

Request syntax

  ClusterNameFilter = "string",
  MaxResults = 123,
  NextToken = "string"