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Create Chat Token

ivschat_create_chat_token R Documentation

Creates an encrypted token that is used by a chat participant to establish an individual WebSocket chat connection to a room


Creates an encrypted token that is used by a chat participant to establish an individual WebSocket chat connection to a room. When the token is used to connect to chat, the connection is valid for the session duration specified in the request. The token becomes invalid at the token-expiration timestamp included in the response.

Use the capabilities field to permit an end user to send messages or moderate a room.

The attributes field securely attaches structured data to the chat session; the data is included within each message sent by the end user and received by other participants in the room. Common use cases for attributes include passing end-user profile data like an icon, display name, colors, badges, and other display features.

Encryption keys are owned by Amazon IVS Chat and never used directly by your application.


ivschat_create_chat_token(roomIdentifier, userId, capabilities,
  sessionDurationInMinutes, attributes)



[required] Identifier of the room that the client is trying to access. Currently this must be an ARN.


[required] Application-provided ID that uniquely identifies the user associated with this token. This can be any UTF-8 encoded text.


Set of capabilities that the user is allowed to perform in the room. Default: None (the capability to view messages is implicitly included in all requests).


Session duration (in minutes), after which the session expires. Default: 60 (1 hour).


Application-provided attributes to encode into the token and attach to a chat session. Map keys and values can contain UTF-8 encoded text. The maximum length of this field is 1 KB total.


A list with the following syntax:

  token = "string",
  tokenExpirationTime = as.POSIXct(
  sessionExpirationTime = as.POSIXct(

Request syntax

  roomIdentifier = "string",
  userId = "string",
  capabilities = list(
  sessionDurationInMinutes = 123,
  attributes = list(