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Batch Delete Recipe Version

gluedatabrew_batch_delete_recipe_version R Documentation

Deletes one or more versions of a recipe at a time


Deletes one or more versions of a recipe at a time.

The entire request will be rejected if:

  • The recipe does not exist.

  • There is an invalid version identifier in the list of versions.

  • The version list is empty.

  • The version list size exceeds 50.

  • The version list contains duplicate entries.

The request will complete successfully, but with partial failures, if:

  • A version does not exist.

  • A version is being used by a job.

  • You specify LATEST_WORKING, but it's being used by a project.

  • The version fails to be deleted.

The LATEST_WORKING version will only be deleted if the recipe has no other versions. If you try to delete LATEST_WORKING while other versions exist (or if they can't be deleted), then LATEST_WORKING will be listed as partial failure in the response.


gluedatabrew_batch_delete_recipe_version(Name, RecipeVersions)



[required] The name of the recipe whose versions are to be deleted.


[required] An array of version identifiers, for the recipe versions to be deleted. You can specify numeric versions (X.Y) or LATEST_WORKING. LATEST_PUBLISHED is not supported.


A list with the following syntax:

  Name = "string",
  Errors = list(
      ErrorCode = "string",
      ErrorMessage = "string",
      RecipeVersion = "string"

Request syntax

  Name = "string",
  RecipeVersions = list(