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Copy Backup

fsx_copy_backup R Documentation

Copies an existing backup within the same Amazon Web Services account to another Amazon Web Services Region (cross-Region copy) or within the same Amazon Web Services Region (in-Region copy)


Copies an existing backup within the same Amazon Web Services account to another Amazon Web Services Region (cross-Region copy) or within the same Amazon Web Services Region (in-Region copy). You can have up to five backup copy requests in progress to a single destination Region per account.

You can use cross-Region backup copies for cross-Region disaster recovery. You can periodically take backups and copy them to another Region so that in the event of a disaster in the primary Region, you can restore from backup and recover availability quickly in the other Region. You can make cross-Region copies only within your Amazon Web Services partition. A partition is a grouping of Regions. Amazon Web Services currently has three partitions: aws (Standard Regions), aws-cn (China Regions), and aws-us-gov (Amazon Web Services GovCloud [US] Regions).

You can also use backup copies to clone your file dataset to another Region or within the same Region.

You can use the SourceRegion parameter to specify the Amazon Web Services Region from which the backup will be copied. For example, if you make the call from the us-west-1 Region and want to copy a backup from the us-east-2 Region, you specify us-east-2 in the SourceRegion parameter to make a cross-Region copy. If you don't specify a Region, the backup copy is created in the same Region where the request is sent from (in-Region copy).

For more information about creating backup copies, see Copying backups in the Amazon FSx for Windows User Guide, Copying backups in the Amazon FSx for Lustre User Guide, and Copying backups in the Amazon FSx for OpenZFS User Guide.


fsx_copy_backup(ClientRequestToken, SourceBackupId, SourceRegion,
  KmsKeyId, CopyTags, Tags)



[required] The ID of the source backup. Specifies the ID of the backup that's being copied.


The source Amazon Web Services Region of the backup. Specifies the Amazon Web Services Region from which the backup is being copied. The source and destination Regions must be in the same Amazon Web Services partition. If you don't specify a Region, SourceRegion defaults to the Region where the request is sent from (in-Region copy).


A Boolean flag indicating whether tags from the source backup should be copied to the backup copy. This value defaults to false.

If you set CopyTags to true and the source backup has existing tags, you can use the Tags parameter to create new tags, provided that the sum of the source backup tags and the new tags doesn't exceed 50. Both sets of tags are merged. If there are tag conflicts (for example, two tags with the same key but different values), the tags created with the Tags parameter take precedence.



A list with the following syntax:

  Backup = list(
    BackupId = "string",
    FailureDetails = list(
      Message = "string"
    ProgressPercent = 123,
    CreationTime = as.POSIXct(
    KmsKeyId = "string",
    ResourceARN = "string",
    Tags = list(
        Key = "string",
        Value = "string"
    FileSystem = list(
      OwnerId = "string",
      CreationTime = as.POSIXct(
      FileSystemId = "string",
      FileSystemType = "WINDOWS"|"LUSTRE"|"ONTAP"|"OPENZFS",
      FailureDetails = list(
        Message = "string"
      StorageCapacity = 123,
      StorageType = "SSD"|"HDD",
      VpcId = "string",
      SubnetIds = list(
      NetworkInterfaceIds = list(
      DNSName = "string",
      KmsKeyId = "string",
      ResourceARN = "string",
      Tags = list(
          Key = "string",
          Value = "string"
      WindowsConfiguration = list(
        ActiveDirectoryId = "string",
        SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration = list(
          DomainName = "string",
          OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName = "string",
          FileSystemAdministratorsGroup = "string",
          UserName = "string",
          DnsIps = list(
        DeploymentType = "MULTI_AZ_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_2",
        RemoteAdministrationEndpoint = "string",
        PreferredSubnetId = "string",
        PreferredFileServerIp = "string",
        ThroughputCapacity = 123,
        MaintenanceOperationsInProgress = list(
        WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime = "string",
        DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime = "string",
        AutomaticBackupRetentionDays = 123,
        CopyTagsToBackups = TRUE|FALSE,
        Aliases = list(
            Name = "string",
        AuditLogConfiguration = list(
          AuditLogDestination = "string"
        DiskIopsConfiguration = list(
          Iops = 123
      LustreConfiguration = list(
        WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime = "string",
        DataRepositoryConfiguration = list(
          ImportPath = "string",
          ExportPath = "string",
          ImportedFileChunkSize = 123,
          AutoImportPolicy = "NONE"|"NEW"|"NEW_CHANGED"|"NEW_CHANGED_DELETED",
          FailureDetails = list(
            Message = "string"
        DeploymentType = "SCRATCH_1"|"SCRATCH_2"|"PERSISTENT_1"|"PERSISTENT_2",
        PerUnitStorageThroughput = 123,
        MountName = "string",
        DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime = "string",
        AutomaticBackupRetentionDays = 123,
        CopyTagsToBackups = TRUE|FALSE,
        DriveCacheType = "NONE"|"READ",
        DataCompressionType = "NONE"|"LZ4",
        LogConfiguration = list(
          Destination = "string"
        RootSquashConfiguration = list(
          RootSquash = "string",
          NoSquashNids = list(
        MetadataConfiguration = list(
          Iops = 123,
      AdministrativeActions = list(
          ProgressPercent = 123,
          RequestTime = as.POSIXct(
          TargetFileSystemValues = list(),
          FailureDetails = list(
            Message = "string"
          TargetVolumeValues = list(
            CreationTime = as.POSIXct(
            FileSystemId = "string",
            Name = "string",
            OntapConfiguration = list(
              FlexCacheEndpointType = "NONE"|"ORIGIN"|"CACHE",
              JunctionPath = "string",
              SecurityStyle = "UNIX"|"NTFS"|"MIXED",
              SizeInMegabytes = 123,
              StorageEfficiencyEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
              StorageVirtualMachineId = "string",
              StorageVirtualMachineRoot = TRUE|FALSE,
              TieringPolicy = list(
                CoolingPeriod = 123,
                Name = "SNAPSHOT_ONLY"|"AUTO"|"ALL"|"NONE"
              UUID = "string",
              OntapVolumeType = "RW"|"DP"|"LS",
              SnapshotPolicy = "string",
              CopyTagsToBackups = TRUE|FALSE,
              SnaplockConfiguration = list(
                AuditLogVolume = TRUE|FALSE,
                AutocommitPeriod = list(
                  Type = "MINUTES"|"HOURS"|"DAYS"|"MONTHS"|"YEARS"|"NONE",
                  Value = 123
                PrivilegedDelete = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|"PERMANENTLY_DISABLED",
                RetentionPeriod = list(
                  DefaultRetention = list(
                    Value = 123
                  MinimumRetention = list(
                    Value = 123
                  MaximumRetention = list(
                    Value = 123
                SnaplockType = "COMPLIANCE"|"ENTERPRISE",
                VolumeAppendModeEnabled = TRUE|FALSE
              VolumeStyle = "FLEXVOL"|"FLEXGROUP",
              AggregateConfiguration = list(
                Aggregates = list(
                TotalConstituents = 123
              SizeInBytes = 123
            ResourceARN = "string",
            Tags = list(
                Key = "string",
                Value = "string"
            VolumeId = "string",
            VolumeType = "ONTAP"|"OPENZFS",
            LifecycleTransitionReason = list(
              Message = "string"
            AdministrativeActions = list(),
            OpenZFSConfiguration = list(
              ParentVolumeId = "string",
              VolumePath = "string",
              StorageCapacityReservationGiB = 123,
              StorageCapacityQuotaGiB = 123,
              RecordSizeKiB = 123,
              DataCompressionType = "NONE"|"ZSTD"|"LZ4",
              CopyTagsToSnapshots = TRUE|FALSE,
              OriginSnapshot = list(
                SnapshotARN = "string",
                CopyStrategy = "CLONE"|"FULL_COPY"|"INCREMENTAL_COPY"
              ReadOnly = TRUE|FALSE,
              NfsExports = list(
                  ClientConfigurations = list(
                      Clients = "string",
                      Options = list(
              UserAndGroupQuotas = list(
                  Type = "USER"|"GROUP",
                  Id = 123,
                  StorageCapacityQuotaGiB = 123
              RestoreToSnapshot = "string",
              DeleteIntermediateSnaphots = TRUE|FALSE,
              DeleteClonedVolumes = TRUE|FALSE,
              DeleteIntermediateData = TRUE|FALSE,
              SourceSnapshotARN = "string",
              DestinationSnapshot = "string",
              CopyStrategy = "CLONE"|"FULL_COPY"|"INCREMENTAL_COPY"
          TargetSnapshotValues = list(
            ResourceARN = "string",
            SnapshotId = "string",
            Name = "string",
            VolumeId = "string",
            CreationTime = as.POSIXct(
            Lifecycle = "PENDING"|"CREATING"|"DELETING"|"AVAILABLE",
            LifecycleTransitionReason = list(
              Message = "string"
            Tags = list(
                Key = "string",
                Value = "string"
            AdministrativeActions = list()
          TotalTransferBytes = 123,
          RemainingTransferBytes = 123
      OntapConfiguration = list(
        AutomaticBackupRetentionDays = 123,
        DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime = "string",
        DeploymentType = "MULTI_AZ_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_2"|"MULTI_AZ_2",
        EndpointIpAddressRange = "string",
        Endpoints = list(
          Intercluster = list(
            DNSName = "string",
            IpAddresses = list(
          Management = list(
            DNSName = "string",
            IpAddresses = list(
        DiskIopsConfiguration = list(
          Iops = 123
        PreferredSubnetId = "string",
        RouteTableIds = list(
        ThroughputCapacity = 123,
        WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime = "string",
        FsxAdminPassword = "string",
        HAPairs = 123,
        ThroughputCapacityPerHAPair = 123
      FileSystemTypeVersion = "string",
      OpenZFSConfiguration = list(
        AutomaticBackupRetentionDays = 123,
        CopyTagsToBackups = TRUE|FALSE,
        CopyTagsToVolumes = TRUE|FALSE,
        DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime = "string",
        DeploymentType = "SINGLE_AZ_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_2"|"SINGLE_AZ_HA_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_HA_2"|"MULTI_AZ_1",
        ThroughputCapacity = 123,
        WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime = "string",
        DiskIopsConfiguration = list(
          Iops = 123
        RootVolumeId = "string",
        PreferredSubnetId = "string",
        EndpointIpAddressRange = "string",
        RouteTableIds = list(
        EndpointIpAddress = "string"
    DirectoryInformation = list(
      DomainName = "string",
      ActiveDirectoryId = "string",
      ResourceARN = "string"
    OwnerId = "string",
    SourceBackupId = "string",
    SourceBackupRegion = "string",
    ResourceType = "FILE_SYSTEM"|"VOLUME",
    Volume = list(
      CreationTime = as.POSIXct(
      FileSystemId = "string",
      Name = "string",
      OntapConfiguration = list(
        FlexCacheEndpointType = "NONE"|"ORIGIN"|"CACHE",
        JunctionPath = "string",
        SecurityStyle = "UNIX"|"NTFS"|"MIXED",
        SizeInMegabytes = 123,
        StorageEfficiencyEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        StorageVirtualMachineId = "string",
        StorageVirtualMachineRoot = TRUE|FALSE,
        TieringPolicy = list(
          CoolingPeriod = 123,
          Name = "SNAPSHOT_ONLY"|"AUTO"|"ALL"|"NONE"
        UUID = "string",
        OntapVolumeType = "RW"|"DP"|"LS",
        SnapshotPolicy = "string",
        CopyTagsToBackups = TRUE|FALSE,
        SnaplockConfiguration = list(
          AuditLogVolume = TRUE|FALSE,
          AutocommitPeriod = list(
            Type = "MINUTES"|"HOURS"|"DAYS"|"MONTHS"|"YEARS"|"NONE",
            Value = 123
          PrivilegedDelete = "DISABLED"|"ENABLED"|"PERMANENTLY_DISABLED",
          RetentionPeriod = list(
            DefaultRetention = list(
              Value = 123
            MinimumRetention = list(
              Value = 123
            MaximumRetention = list(
              Value = 123
          SnaplockType = "COMPLIANCE"|"ENTERPRISE",
          VolumeAppendModeEnabled = TRUE|FALSE
        VolumeStyle = "FLEXVOL"|"FLEXGROUP",
        AggregateConfiguration = list(
          Aggregates = list(
          TotalConstituents = 123
        SizeInBytes = 123
      ResourceARN = "string",
      Tags = list(
          Key = "string",
          Value = "string"
      VolumeId = "string",
      VolumeType = "ONTAP"|"OPENZFS",
      LifecycleTransitionReason = list(
        Message = "string"
      AdministrativeActions = list(
          ProgressPercent = 123,
          RequestTime = as.POSIXct(
          TargetFileSystemValues = list(
            OwnerId = "string",
            CreationTime = as.POSIXct(
            FileSystemId = "string",
            FileSystemType = "WINDOWS"|"LUSTRE"|"ONTAP"|"OPENZFS",
            FailureDetails = list(
              Message = "string"
            StorageCapacity = 123,
            StorageType = "SSD"|"HDD",
            VpcId = "string",
            SubnetIds = list(
            NetworkInterfaceIds = list(
            DNSName = "string",
            KmsKeyId = "string",
            ResourceARN = "string",
            Tags = list(
                Key = "string",
                Value = "string"
            WindowsConfiguration = list(
              ActiveDirectoryId = "string",
              SelfManagedActiveDirectoryConfiguration = list(
                DomainName = "string",
                OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName = "string",
                FileSystemAdministratorsGroup = "string",
                UserName = "string",
                DnsIps = list(
              DeploymentType = "MULTI_AZ_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_2",
              RemoteAdministrationEndpoint = "string",
              PreferredSubnetId = "string",
              PreferredFileServerIp = "string",
              ThroughputCapacity = 123,
              MaintenanceOperationsInProgress = list(
              WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime = "string",
              DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime = "string",
              AutomaticBackupRetentionDays = 123,
              CopyTagsToBackups = TRUE|FALSE,
              Aliases = list(
                  Name = "string",
              AuditLogConfiguration = list(
                FileAccessAuditLogLevel = "DISABLED"|"SUCCESS_ONLY"|"FAILURE_ONLY"|"SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE",
                FileShareAccessAuditLogLevel = "DISABLED"|"SUCCESS_ONLY"|"FAILURE_ONLY"|"SUCCESS_AND_FAILURE",
                AuditLogDestination = "string"
              DiskIopsConfiguration = list(
                Mode = "AUTOMATIC"|"USER_PROVISIONED",
                Iops = 123
            LustreConfiguration = list(
              WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime = "string",
              DataRepositoryConfiguration = list(
                ImportPath = "string",
                ExportPath = "string",
                ImportedFileChunkSize = 123,
                AutoImportPolicy = "NONE"|"NEW"|"NEW_CHANGED"|"NEW_CHANGED_DELETED",
                FailureDetails = list(
                  Message = "string"
              DeploymentType = "SCRATCH_1"|"SCRATCH_2"|"PERSISTENT_1"|"PERSISTENT_2",
              PerUnitStorageThroughput = 123,
              MountName = "string",
              DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime = "string",
              AutomaticBackupRetentionDays = 123,
              CopyTagsToBackups = TRUE|FALSE,
              DriveCacheType = "NONE"|"READ",
              DataCompressionType = "NONE"|"LZ4",
              LogConfiguration = list(
                Level = "DISABLED"|"WARN_ONLY"|"ERROR_ONLY"|"WARN_ERROR",
                Destination = "string"
              RootSquashConfiguration = list(
                RootSquash = "string",
                NoSquashNids = list(
              MetadataConfiguration = list(
                Iops = 123,
                Mode = "AUTOMATIC"|"USER_PROVISIONED"
            AdministrativeActions = list(),
            OntapConfiguration = list(
              AutomaticBackupRetentionDays = 123,
              DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime = "string",
              DeploymentType = "MULTI_AZ_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_2"|"MULTI_AZ_2",
              EndpointIpAddressRange = "string",
              Endpoints = list(
                Intercluster = list(
                  DNSName = "string",
                  IpAddresses = list(
                Management = list(
                  DNSName = "string",
                  IpAddresses = list(
              DiskIopsConfiguration = list(
                Mode = "AUTOMATIC"|"USER_PROVISIONED",
                Iops = 123
              PreferredSubnetId = "string",
              RouteTableIds = list(
              ThroughputCapacity = 123,
              WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime = "string",
              FsxAdminPassword = "string",
              HAPairs = 123,
              ThroughputCapacityPerHAPair = 123
            FileSystemTypeVersion = "string",
            OpenZFSConfiguration = list(
              AutomaticBackupRetentionDays = 123,
              CopyTagsToBackups = TRUE|FALSE,
              CopyTagsToVolumes = TRUE|FALSE,
              DailyAutomaticBackupStartTime = "string",
              DeploymentType = "SINGLE_AZ_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_2"|"SINGLE_AZ_HA_1"|"SINGLE_AZ_HA_2"|"MULTI_AZ_1",
              ThroughputCapacity = 123,
              WeeklyMaintenanceStartTime = "string",
              DiskIopsConfiguration = list(
                Mode = "AUTOMATIC"|"USER_PROVISIONED",
                Iops = 123
              RootVolumeId = "string",
              PreferredSubnetId = "string",
              EndpointIpAddressRange = "string",
              RouteTableIds = list(
              EndpointIpAddress = "string"
          FailureDetails = list(
            Message = "string"
          TargetVolumeValues = list(),
          TargetSnapshotValues = list(
            ResourceARN = "string",
            SnapshotId = "string",
            Name = "string",
            VolumeId = "string",
            CreationTime = as.POSIXct(
            Lifecycle = "PENDING"|"CREATING"|"DELETING"|"AVAILABLE",
            LifecycleTransitionReason = list(
              Message = "string"
            Tags = list(
                Key = "string",
                Value = "string"
            AdministrativeActions = list()
          TotalTransferBytes = 123,
          RemainingTransferBytes = 123
      OpenZFSConfiguration = list(
        ParentVolumeId = "string",
        VolumePath = "string",
        StorageCapacityReservationGiB = 123,
        StorageCapacityQuotaGiB = 123,
        RecordSizeKiB = 123,
        DataCompressionType = "NONE"|"ZSTD"|"LZ4",
        CopyTagsToSnapshots = TRUE|FALSE,
        OriginSnapshot = list(
          SnapshotARN = "string",
          CopyStrategy = "CLONE"|"FULL_COPY"|"INCREMENTAL_COPY"
        ReadOnly = TRUE|FALSE,
        NfsExports = list(
            ClientConfigurations = list(
                Clients = "string",
                Options = list(
        UserAndGroupQuotas = list(
            Type = "USER"|"GROUP",
            Id = 123,
            StorageCapacityQuotaGiB = 123
        RestoreToSnapshot = "string",
        DeleteIntermediateSnaphots = TRUE|FALSE,
        DeleteClonedVolumes = TRUE|FALSE,
        DeleteIntermediateData = TRUE|FALSE,
        SourceSnapshotARN = "string",
        DestinationSnapshot = "string",
        CopyStrategy = "CLONE"|"FULL_COPY"|"INCREMENTAL_COPY"

Request syntax

  ClientRequestToken = "string",
  SourceBackupId = "string",
  SourceRegion = "string",
  KmsKeyId = "string",
  CopyTags = TRUE|FALSE,
  Tags = list(
      Key = "string",
      Value = "string"


## Not run: 
# This operation copies an Amazon FSx backup.
  SourceBackupId = "backup-03e3c82e0183b7b6b",
  SourceRegion = "us-east-2"

## End(Not run)