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Delete Schedule Group

eventbridgescheduler_delete_schedule_group R Documentation

Deletes the specified schedule group


Deletes the specified schedule group. Deleting a schedule group results in EventBridge Scheduler deleting all schedules associated with the group. When you delete a group, it remains in a DELETING state until all of its associated schedules are deleted. Schedules associated with the group that are set to run while the schedule group is in the process of being deleted might continue to invoke their targets until the schedule group and its associated schedules are deleted.

This operation is eventually consistent.


eventbridgescheduler_delete_schedule_group(ClientToken, Name)



Unique, case-sensitive identifier you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If you do not specify a client token, EventBridge Scheduler uses a randomly generated token for the request to ensure idempotency.


[required] The name of the schedule group to delete.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  ClientToken = "string",
  Name = "string"