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Increase Replica Count

elasticache_increase_replica_count R Documentation

Dynamically increases the number of replicas in a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) replication group or the number of replica nodes in one or more node groups (shards) of a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) replication group


Dynamically increases the number of replicas in a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) replication group or the number of replica nodes in one or more node groups (shards) of a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) replication group. This operation is performed with no cluster down time.


elasticache_increase_replica_count(ReplicationGroupId, NewReplicaCount,
  ReplicaConfiguration, ApplyImmediately)



[required] The id of the replication group to which you want to add replica nodes.


The number of read replica nodes you want at the completion of this operation. For Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) replication groups, this is the number of replica nodes in the replication group. For Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) replication groups, this is the number of replica nodes in each of the replication group's node groups.


A list of ConfigureShard objects that can be used to configure each shard in a Valkey or Redis OSS (cluster mode enabled) replication group. The ConfigureShard has three members: NewReplicaCount, NodeGroupId, and PreferredAvailabilityZones.


[required] If True, the number of replica nodes is increased immediately. ApplyImmediately=False is not currently supported.


A list with the following syntax:

  ReplicationGroup = list(
    ReplicationGroupId = "string",
    Description = "string",
    GlobalReplicationGroupInfo = list(
      GlobalReplicationGroupId = "string",
      GlobalReplicationGroupMemberRole = "string"
    Status = "string",
    PendingModifiedValues = list(
      PrimaryClusterId = "string",
      AutomaticFailoverStatus = "enabled"|"disabled",
      Resharding = list(
        SlotMigration = list(
          ProgressPercentage = 123.0
      AuthTokenStatus = "SETTING"|"ROTATING",
      UserGroups = list(
        UserGroupIdsToAdd = list(
        UserGroupIdsToRemove = list(
      LogDeliveryConfigurations = list(
          LogType = "slow-log"|"engine-log",
          DestinationType = "cloudwatch-logs"|"kinesis-firehose",
          DestinationDetails = list(
            CloudWatchLogsDetails = list(
              LogGroup = "string"
            KinesisFirehoseDetails = list(
              DeliveryStream = "string"
          LogFormat = "text"|"json"
      TransitEncryptionEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      TransitEncryptionMode = "preferred"|"required",
      ClusterMode = "enabled"|"disabled"|"compatible"
    MemberClusters = list(
    NodeGroups = list(
        NodeGroupId = "string",
        Status = "string",
        PrimaryEndpoint = list(
          Address = "string",
          Port = 123
        ReaderEndpoint = list(
          Address = "string",
          Port = 123
        Slots = "string",
        NodeGroupMembers = list(
            CacheClusterId = "string",
            CacheNodeId = "string",
            ReadEndpoint = list(
              Address = "string",
              Port = 123
            PreferredAvailabilityZone = "string",
            PreferredOutpostArn = "string",
            CurrentRole = "string"
    SnapshottingClusterId = "string",
    AutomaticFailover = "enabled"|"disabled"|"enabling"|"disabling",
    MultiAZ = "enabled"|"disabled",
    ConfigurationEndpoint = list(
      Address = "string",
      Port = 123
    SnapshotRetentionLimit = 123,
    SnapshotWindow = "string",
    ClusterEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
    CacheNodeType = "string",
    AuthTokenEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
    AuthTokenLastModifiedDate = as.POSIXct(
    TransitEncryptionEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
    AtRestEncryptionEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
    MemberClustersOutpostArns = list(
    KmsKeyId = "string",
    ARN = "string",
    UserGroupIds = list(
    LogDeliveryConfigurations = list(
        LogType = "slow-log"|"engine-log",
        DestinationType = "cloudwatch-logs"|"kinesis-firehose",
        DestinationDetails = list(
          CloudWatchLogsDetails = list(
            LogGroup = "string"
          KinesisFirehoseDetails = list(
            DeliveryStream = "string"
        LogFormat = "text"|"json",
        Status = "active"|"enabling"|"modifying"|"disabling"|"error",
        Message = "string"
    ReplicationGroupCreateTime = as.POSIXct(
    DataTiering = "enabled"|"disabled",
    AutoMinorVersionUpgrade = TRUE|FALSE,
    NetworkType = "ipv4"|"ipv6"|"dual_stack",
    IpDiscovery = "ipv4"|"ipv6",
    TransitEncryptionMode = "preferred"|"required",
    ClusterMode = "enabled"|"disabled"|"compatible",
    Engine = "string"

Request syntax

  ReplicationGroupId = "string",
  NewReplicaCount = 123,
  ReplicaConfiguration = list(
      NodeGroupId = "string",
      NewReplicaCount = 123,
      PreferredAvailabilityZones = list(
      PreferredOutpostArns = list(
  ApplyImmediately = TRUE|FALSE