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Update Addon

eks_update_addon R Documentation

Updates an Amazon EKS add-on


Updates an Amazon EKS add-on.


eks_update_addon(clusterName, addonName, addonVersion,
  serviceAccountRoleArn, resolveConflicts, clientRequestToken,
  configurationValues, podIdentityAssociations)



[required] The name of your cluster.


[required] The name of the add-on. The name must match one of the names returned by list_addons .


The version of the add-on. The version must match one of the versions returned by describe_addon_versions .


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an existing IAM role to bind to the add-on's service account. The role must be assigned the IAM permissions required by the add-on. If you don't specify an existing IAM role, then the add-on uses the permissions assigned to the node IAM role. For more information, see Amazon EKS node IAM role in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

To specify an existing IAM role, you must have an IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider created for your cluster. For more information, see Enabling IAM roles for service accounts on your cluster in the Amazon EKS User Guide.


How to resolve field value conflicts for an Amazon EKS add-on if you've changed a value from the Amazon EKS default value. Conflicts are handled based on the option you choose:

  • None – Amazon EKS doesn't change the value. The update might fail.

  • Overwrite – Amazon EKS overwrites the changed value back to the Amazon EKS default value.

  • Preserve – Amazon EKS preserves the value. If you choose this option, we recommend that you test any field and value changes on a non-production cluster before updating the add-on on your production cluster.


A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.


The set of configuration values for the add-on that's created. The values that you provide are validated against the schema returned by describe_addon_configuration.


An array of Pod Identity Assocations to be updated. Each EKS Pod Identity association maps a Kubernetes service account to an IAM Role. If this value is left blank, no change. If an empty array is provided, existing Pod Identity Assocations owned by the Addon are deleted.

For more information, see Attach an IAM Role to an Amazon EKS add-on using Pod Identity in the EKS User Guide.


A list with the following syntax:

  update = list(
    id = "string",
    status = "InProgress"|"Failed"|"Cancelled"|"Successful",
    type = "VersionUpdate"|"EndpointAccessUpdate"|"LoggingUpdate"|"ConfigUpdate"|"AssociateIdentityProviderConfig"|"DisassociateIdentityProviderConfig"|"AssociateEncryptionConfig"|"AddonUpdate"|"VpcConfigUpdate"|"AccessConfigUpdate"|"UpgradePolicyUpdate",
    params = list(
        type = "Version"|"PlatformVersion"|"EndpointPrivateAccess"|"EndpointPublicAccess"|"ClusterLogging"|"DesiredSize"|"LabelsToAdd"|"LabelsToRemove"|"TaintsToAdd"|"TaintsToRemove"|"MaxSize"|"MinSize"|"ReleaseVersion"|"PublicAccessCidrs"|"LaunchTemplateName"|"LaunchTemplateVersion"|"IdentityProviderConfig"|"EncryptionConfig"|"AddonVersion"|"ServiceAccountRoleArn"|"ResolveConflicts"|"MaxUnavailable"|"MaxUnavailablePercentage"|"ConfigurationValues"|"SecurityGroups"|"Subnets"|"AuthenticationMode"|"PodIdentityAssociations"|"UpgradePolicy",
        value = "string"
    createdAt = as.POSIXct(
    errors = list(
        errorCode = "SubnetNotFound"|"SecurityGroupNotFound"|"EniLimitReached"|"IpNotAvailable"|"AccessDenied"|"OperationNotPermitted"|"VpcIdNotFound"|"Unknown"|"NodeCreationFailure"|"PodEvictionFailure"|"InsufficientFreeAddresses"|"ClusterUnreachable"|"InsufficientNumberOfReplicas"|"ConfigurationConflict"|"AdmissionRequestDenied"|"UnsupportedAddonModification"|"K8sResourceNotFound",
        errorMessage = "string",
        resourceIds = list(

Request syntax

  clusterName = "string",
  addonName = "string",
  addonVersion = "string",
  serviceAccountRoleArn = "string",
  resolveConflicts = "OVERWRITE"|"NONE"|"PRESERVE",
  clientRequestToken = "string",
  configurationValues = "string",
  podIdentityAssociations = list(
      serviceAccount = "string",
      roleArn = "string"