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Register Cluster

eks_register_cluster R Documentation

Connects a Kubernetes cluster to the Amazon EKS control plane


Connects a Kubernetes cluster to the Amazon EKS control plane.

Any Kubernetes cluster can be connected to the Amazon EKS control plane to view current information about the cluster and its nodes.

Cluster connection requires two steps. First, send a RegisterClusterRequest to add it to the Amazon EKS control plane.

Second, a Manifest containing the activationID and activationCode must be applied to the Kubernetes cluster through it's native provider to provide visibility.

After the manifest is updated and applied, the connected cluster is visible to the Amazon EKS control plane. If the manifest isn't applied within three days, the connected cluster will no longer be visible and must be deregistered using deregister_cluster.


eks_register_cluster(name, connectorConfig, clientRequestToken, tags)



[required] A unique name for this cluster in your Amazon Web Services Region.


[required] The configuration settings required to connect the Kubernetes cluster to the Amazon EKS control plane.


A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request.


Metadata that assists with categorization and organization. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You define both. Tags don't propagate to any other cluster or Amazon Web Services resources.


A list with the following syntax:

  cluster = list(
    name = "string",
    arn = "string",
    createdAt = as.POSIXct(
    version = "string",
    endpoint = "string",
    roleArn = "string",
    resourcesVpcConfig = list(
      subnetIds = list(
      securityGroupIds = list(
      clusterSecurityGroupId = "string",
      vpcId = "string",
      endpointPublicAccess = TRUE|FALSE,
      endpointPrivateAccess = TRUE|FALSE,
      publicAccessCidrs = list(
    kubernetesNetworkConfig = list(
      serviceIpv4Cidr = "string",
      serviceIpv6Cidr = "string",
      ipFamily = "ipv4"|"ipv6",
      elasticLoadBalancing = list(
        enabled = TRUE|FALSE
    logging = list(
      clusterLogging = list(
          types = list(
          enabled = TRUE|FALSE
    identity = list(
      oidc = list(
        issuer = "string"
    certificateAuthority = list(
      data = "string"
    clientRequestToken = "string",
    platformVersion = "string",
    tags = list(
    encryptionConfig = list(
        resources = list(
        provider = list(
          keyArn = "string"
    connectorConfig = list(
      activationId = "string",
      activationCode = "string",
      activationExpiry = as.POSIXct(
      provider = "string",
      roleArn = "string"
    id = "string",
    health = list(
      issues = list(
          code = "AccessDenied"|"ClusterUnreachable"|"ConfigurationConflict"|"InternalFailure"|"ResourceLimitExceeded"|"ResourceNotFound"|"IamRoleNotFound"|"VpcNotFound"|"InsufficientFreeAddresses"|"Ec2ServiceNotSubscribed"|"Ec2SubnetNotFound"|"Ec2SecurityGroupNotFound"|"KmsGrantRevoked"|"KmsKeyNotFound"|"KmsKeyMarkedForDeletion"|"KmsKeyDisabled"|"StsRegionalEndpointDisabled"|"UnsupportedVersion"|"Other",
          message = "string",
          resourceIds = list(
    outpostConfig = list(
      outpostArns = list(
      controlPlaneInstanceType = "string",
      controlPlanePlacement = list(
        groupName = "string"
    accessConfig = list(
      bootstrapClusterCreatorAdminPermissions = TRUE|FALSE,
      authenticationMode = "API"|"API_AND_CONFIG_MAP"|"CONFIG_MAP"
    upgradePolicy = list(
      supportType = "STANDARD"|"EXTENDED"
    zonalShiftConfig = list(
      enabled = TRUE|FALSE
    remoteNetworkConfig = list(
      remoteNodeNetworks = list(
          cidrs = list(
      remotePodNetworks = list(
          cidrs = list(
    computeConfig = list(
      enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      nodePools = list(
      nodeRoleArn = "string"
    storageConfig = list(
      blockStorage = list(
        enabled = TRUE|FALSE

Request syntax

  name = "string",
  connectorConfig = list(
    roleArn = "string",
  clientRequestToken = "string",
  tags = list(