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Delete Replication Configuration

efs_delete_replication_configuration R Documentation

Deletes a replication configuration


Deletes a replication configuration. Deleting a replication configuration ends the replication process. After a replication configuration is deleted, the destination file system becomes Writeable and its replication overwrite protection is re-enabled. For more information, see Delete a replication configuration.

This operation requires permissions for the elasticfilesystem:DeleteReplicationConfiguration action.


efs_delete_replication_configuration(SourceFileSystemId, DeletionMode)



[required] The ID of the source file system in the replication configuration.


When replicating across Amazon Web Services accounts or across Amazon Web Services Regions, Amazon EFS deletes the replication configuration from both the source and destination account or Region (ALL_CONFIGURATIONS) by default. If there's a configuration or permissions issue that prevents Amazon EFS from deleting the replication configuration from both sides, you can use the LOCAL_CONFIGURATION_ONLY mode to delete the replication configuration from only the local side (the account or Region from which the delete is performed).

Only use the LOCAL_CONFIGURATION_ONLY mode in the case that Amazon EFS is unable to delete the replication configuration in both the source and destination account or Region. Deleting the local configuration leaves the configuration in the other account or Region unrecoverable.

Additionally, do not use this mode for same-account, same-region replication as doing so results in a BadRequest exception error.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  SourceFileSystemId = "string",