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Associate Nat Gateway Address

ec2_associate_nat_gateway_address R Documentation

Associates Elastic IP addresses (EIPs) and private IPv4 addresses with a public NAT gateway


Associates Elastic IP addresses (EIPs) and private IPv4 addresses with a public NAT gateway. For more information, see Work with NAT gateways in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

By default, you can associate up to 2 Elastic IP addresses per public NAT gateway. You can increase the limit by requesting a quota adjustment. For more information, see Elastic IP address quotas in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

When you associate an EIP or secondary EIPs with a public NAT gateway, the network border group of the EIPs must match the network border group of the Availability Zone (AZ) that the public NAT gateway is in. If it's not the same, the EIP will fail to associate. You can see the network border group for the subnet's AZ by viewing the details of the subnet. Similarly, you can view the network border group of an EIP by viewing the details of the EIP address. For more information about network border groups and EIPs, see Allocate an Elastic IP address in the Amazon VPC User Guide.


ec2_associate_nat_gateway_address(NatGatewayId, AllocationIds,
  PrivateIpAddresses, DryRun)



[required] The ID of the NAT gateway.


[required] The allocation IDs of EIPs that you want to associate with your NAT gateway.


The private IPv4 addresses that you want to assign to the NAT gateway.


Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation. Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation.


A list with the following syntax:

  NatGatewayId = "string",
  NatGatewayAddresses = list(
      AllocationId = "string",
      NetworkInterfaceId = "string",
      PrivateIp = "string",
      PublicIp = "string",
      AssociationId = "string",
      IsPrimary = TRUE|FALSE,
      FailureMessage = "string",
      Status = "assigning"|"unassigning"|"associating"|"disassociating"|"succeeded"|"failed"

Request syntax

  NatGatewayId = "string",
  AllocationIds = list(
  PrivateIpAddresses = list(