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Complete Snapshot

ebs_complete_snapshot R Documentation

Seals and completes the snapshot after all of the required blocks of data have been written to it


Seals and completes the snapshot after all of the required blocks of data have been written to it. Completing the snapshot changes the status to completed. You cannot write new blocks to a snapshot after it has been completed.

You should always retry requests that receive server (⁠5xx⁠) error responses, and ThrottlingException and RequestThrottledException client error responses. For more information see Error retries in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.


ebs_complete_snapshot(SnapshotId, ChangedBlocksCount, Checksum,
  ChecksumAlgorithm, ChecksumAggregationMethod)



[required] The ID of the snapshot.


[required] The number of blocks that were written to the snapshot.


An aggregated Base-64 SHA256 checksum based on the checksums of each written block.

To generate the aggregated checksum using the linear aggregation method, arrange the checksums for each written block in ascending order of their block index, concatenate them to form a single string, and then generate the checksum on the entire string using the SHA256 algorithm.


The algorithm used to generate the checksum. Currently, the only supported algorithm is SHA256.


The aggregation method used to generate the checksum. Currently, the only supported aggregation method is LINEAR.


A list with the following syntax:

  Status = "completed"|"pending"|"error"

Request syntax

  SnapshotId = "string",
  ChangedBlocksCount = 123,
  Checksum = "string",
  ChecksumAlgorithm = "SHA256",
  ChecksumAggregationMethod = "LINEAR"