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Put Resource Policy

dynamodb_put_resource_policy R Documentation

Attaches a resource-based policy document to the resource, which can be a table or stream


Attaches a resource-based policy document to the resource, which can be a table or stream. When you attach a resource-based policy using this API, the policy application is eventually consistent .

put_resource_policy is an idempotent operation; running it multiple times on the same resource using the same policy document will return the same revision ID. If you specify an ExpectedRevisionId that doesn't match the current policy's RevisionId, the PolicyNotFoundException will be returned.

put_resource_policy is an asynchronous operation. If you issue a get_resource_policy request immediately after a put_resource_policy request, DynamoDB might return your previous policy, if there was one, or return the PolicyNotFoundException. This is because get_resource_policy uses an eventually consistent query, and the metadata for your policy or table might not be available at that moment. Wait for a few seconds, and then try the get_resource_policy request again.


dynamodb_put_resource_policy(ResourceArn, Policy, ExpectedRevisionId,



[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the DynamoDB resource to which the policy will be attached. The resources you can specify include tables and streams.

You can control index permissions using the base table's policy. To specify the same permission level for your table and its indexes, you can provide both the table and index Amazon Resource Name (ARN)s in the Resource field of a given Statement in your policy document. Alternatively, to specify different permissions for your table, indexes, or both, you can define multiple Statement fields in your policy document.


[required] An Amazon Web Services resource-based policy document in JSON format.

  • The maximum size supported for a resource-based policy document is 20 KB. DynamoDB counts whitespaces when calculating the size of a policy against this limit.

  • Within a resource-based policy, if the action for a DynamoDB service-linked role (SLR) to replicate data for a global table is denied, adding or deleting a replica will fail with an error.

For a full list of all considerations that apply while attaching a resource-based policy, see Resource-based policy considerations.


A string value that you can use to conditionally update your policy. You can provide the revision ID of your existing policy to make mutating requests against that policy.

When you provide an expected revision ID, if the revision ID of the existing policy on the resource doesn't match or if there's no policy attached to the resource, your request will be rejected with a PolicyNotFoundException.

To conditionally attach a policy when no policy exists for the resource, specify NO_POLICY for the revision ID.


Set this parameter to true to confirm that you want to remove your permissions to change the policy of this resource in the future.


A list with the following syntax:

  RevisionId = "string"

Request syntax

  ResourceArn = "string",
  Policy = "string",
  ExpectedRevisionId = "string",
  ConfirmRemoveSelfResourceAccess = TRUE|FALSE