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Create Transit Virtual Interface

directconnect_create_transit_virtual_interface R Documentation

Creates a transit virtual interface


Creates a transit virtual interface. A transit virtual interface should be used to access one or more transit gateways associated with Direct Connect gateways. A transit virtual interface enables the connection of multiple VPCs attached to a transit gateway to a Direct Connect gateway.

If you associate your transit gateway with one or more Direct Connect gateways, the Autonomous System Number (ASN) used by the transit gateway and the Direct Connect gateway must be different. For example, if you use the default ASN 64512 for both your the transit gateway and Direct Connect gateway, the association request fails.

A jumbo MTU value must be either 1500 or 8500. No other values will be accepted. Setting the MTU of a virtual interface to 8500 (jumbo frames) can cause an update to the underlying physical connection if it wasn't updated to support jumbo frames. Updating the connection disrupts network connectivity for all virtual interfaces associated with the connection for up to 30 seconds. To check whether your connection supports jumbo frames, call describe_connections. To check whether your virtual interface supports jumbo frames, call describe_virtual_interfaces.





[required] The ID of the connection.


[required] Information about the transit virtual interface.


A list with the following syntax:

  virtualInterface = list(
    ownerAccount = "string",
    virtualInterfaceId = "string",
    location = "string",
    connectionId = "string",
    virtualInterfaceType = "string",
    virtualInterfaceName = "string",
    vlan = 123,
    asn = 123,
    amazonSideAsn = 123,
    authKey = "string",
    amazonAddress = "string",
    customerAddress = "string",
    addressFamily = "ipv4"|"ipv6",
    virtualInterfaceState = "confirming"|"verifying"|"pending"|"available"|"down"|"deleting"|"deleted"|"rejected"|"unknown",
    customerRouterConfig = "string",
    mtu = 123,
    jumboFrameCapable = TRUE|FALSE,
    virtualGatewayId = "string",
    directConnectGatewayId = "string",
    routeFilterPrefixes = list(
        cidr = "string"
    bgpPeers = list(
        bgpPeerId = "string",
        asn = 123,
        authKey = "string",
        addressFamily = "ipv4"|"ipv6",
        amazonAddress = "string",
        customerAddress = "string",
        bgpPeerState = "verifying"|"pending"|"available"|"deleting"|"deleted",
        bgpStatus = "up"|"down"|"unknown",
        awsDeviceV2 = "string",
        awsLogicalDeviceId = "string"
    region = "string",
    awsDeviceV2 = "string",
    awsLogicalDeviceId = "string",
    tags = list(
        key = "string",
        value = "string"
    siteLinkEnabled = TRUE|FALSE

Request syntax

  connectionId = "string",
  newTransitVirtualInterface = list(
    virtualInterfaceName = "string",
    vlan = 123,
    asn = 123,
    mtu = 123,
    authKey = "string",
    amazonAddress = "string",
    customerAddress = "string",
    addressFamily = "ipv4"|"ipv6",
    directConnectGatewayId = "string",
    tags = list(
        key = "string",
        value = "string"
    enableSiteLink = TRUE|FALSE