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Delete Members

detective_delete_members R Documentation

Removes the specified member accounts from the behavior graph


Removes the specified member accounts from the behavior graph. The removed accounts no longer contribute data to the behavior graph. This operation can only be called by the administrator account for the behavior graph.

For invited accounts, the removed accounts are deleted from the list of accounts in the behavior graph. To restore the account, the administrator account must send another invitation.

For organization accounts in the organization behavior graph, the Detective administrator account can always enable the organization account again. Organization accounts that are not enabled as member accounts are not included in the list_members results for the organization behavior graph.

An administrator account cannot use delete_members to remove their own account from the behavior graph. To disable a behavior graph, the administrator account uses the delete_graph API method.


detective_delete_members(GraphArn, AccountIds)



[required] The ARN of the behavior graph to remove members from.


[required] The list of Amazon Web Services account identifiers for the member accounts to remove from the behavior graph. You can remove up to 50 member accounts at a time.


A list with the following syntax:

  AccountIds = list(
  UnprocessedAccounts = list(
      AccountId = "string",
      Reason = "string"

Request syntax

  GraphArn = "string",
  AccountIds = list(