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Create View

connect_create_view R Documentation

Creates a new view with the possible status of SAVED or PUBLISHED


Creates a new view with the possible status of SAVED or PUBLISHED.

The views will have a unique name for each connect instance.

It performs basic content validation if the status is SAVED or full content validation if the status is set to PUBLISHED. An error is returned if validation fails. It associates either the ⁠$SAVED⁠ qualifier or both of the ⁠$SAVED⁠ and ⁠$LATEST⁠ qualifiers with the provided view content based on the status. The view is idempotent if ClientToken is provided.


connect_create_view(InstanceId, ClientToken, Status, Content,
  Description, Name, Tags)



[required] The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.


A unique Id for each create view request to avoid duplicate view creation. For example, the view is idempotent ClientToken is provided.


[required] Indicates the view status as either SAVED or PUBLISHED. The PUBLISHED status will initiate validation on the content.


[required] View content containing all content necessary to render a view except for runtime input data.

The total uncompressed content has a maximum file size of 400kB.


The description of the view.


[required] The name of the view.


The tags associated with the view resource (not specific to view version).These tags can be used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { "tags": {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"} }.


A list with the following syntax:

  View = list(
    Id = "string",
    Arn = "string",
    Name = "string",
    Status = "PUBLISHED"|"SAVED",
    Description = "string",
    Version = 123,
    VersionDescription = "string",
    Content = list(
      InputSchema = "string",
      Template = "string",
      Actions = list(
    Tags = list(
    CreatedTime = as.POSIXct(
    LastModifiedTime = as.POSIXct(
    ViewContentSha256 = "string"

Request syntax

  InstanceId = "string",
  ClientToken = "string",
  Status = "PUBLISHED"|"SAVED",
  Content = list(
    Template = "string",
    Actions = list(
  Description = "string",
  Name = "string",
  Tags = list(