Describe User Pool
cognitoidentityprovider_describe_user_pool | R Documentation |
Returns the configuration information and metadata of the specified user pool¶
Returns the configuration information and metadata of the specified user pool.
Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.
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[required] The user pool ID for the user pool you want to describe.
A list with the following syntax:
UserPool = list(
Id = "string",
Name = "string",
Policies = list(
PasswordPolicy = list(
MinimumLength = 123,
RequireUppercase = TRUE|FALSE,
RequireLowercase = TRUE|FALSE,
RequireNumbers = TRUE|FALSE,
RequireSymbols = TRUE|FALSE,
PasswordHistorySize = 123,
TemporaryPasswordValidityDays = 123
DeletionProtection = "ACTIVE"|"INACTIVE",
LambdaConfig = list(
PreSignUp = "string",
CustomMessage = "string",
PostConfirmation = "string",
PreAuthentication = "string",
PostAuthentication = "string",
DefineAuthChallenge = "string",
CreateAuthChallenge = "string",
VerifyAuthChallengeResponse = "string",
PreTokenGeneration = "string",
UserMigration = "string",
PreTokenGenerationConfig = list(
LambdaVersion = "V1_0"|"V2_0",
LambdaArn = "string"
CustomSMSSender = list(
LambdaVersion = "V1_0",
LambdaArn = "string"
CustomEmailSender = list(
LambdaVersion = "V1_0",
LambdaArn = "string"
KMSKeyID = "string"
Status = "Enabled"|"Disabled",
LastModifiedDate = as.POSIXct(
CreationDate = as.POSIXct(
SchemaAttributes = list(
Name = "string",
AttributeDataType = "String"|"Number"|"DateTime"|"Boolean",
DeveloperOnlyAttribute = TRUE|FALSE,
Mutable = TRUE|FALSE,
Required = TRUE|FALSE,
NumberAttributeConstraints = list(
MinValue = "string",
MaxValue = "string"
StringAttributeConstraints = list(
MinLength = "string",
MaxLength = "string"
AutoVerifiedAttributes = list(
AliasAttributes = list(
UsernameAttributes = list(
SmsVerificationMessage = "string",
EmailVerificationMessage = "string",
EmailVerificationSubject = "string",
VerificationMessageTemplate = list(
SmsMessage = "string",
EmailMessage = "string",
EmailSubject = "string",
EmailMessageByLink = "string",
EmailSubjectByLink = "string",
SmsAuthenticationMessage = "string",
UserAttributeUpdateSettings = list(
AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate = list(
MfaConfiguration = "OFF"|"ON"|"OPTIONAL",
DeviceConfiguration = list(
ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice = TRUE|FALSE,
DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt = TRUE|FALSE
EstimatedNumberOfUsers = 123,
EmailConfiguration = list(
SourceArn = "string",
ReplyToEmailAddress = "string",
EmailSendingAccount = "COGNITO_DEFAULT"|"DEVELOPER",
From = "string",
ConfigurationSet = "string"
SmsConfiguration = list(
SnsCallerArn = "string",
ExternalId = "string",
SnsRegion = "string"
UserPoolTags = list(
SmsConfigurationFailure = "string",
EmailConfigurationFailure = "string",
Domain = "string",
CustomDomain = "string",
AdminCreateUserConfig = list(
AllowAdminCreateUserOnly = TRUE|FALSE,
UnusedAccountValidityDays = 123,
InviteMessageTemplate = list(
SMSMessage = "string",
EmailMessage = "string",
EmailSubject = "string"
UserPoolAddOns = list(
AdvancedSecurityMode = "OFF"|"AUDIT"|"ENFORCED",
AdvancedSecurityAdditionalFlows = list(
CustomAuthMode = "AUDIT"|"ENFORCED"
UsernameConfiguration = list(
CaseSensitive = TRUE|FALSE
Arn = "string",
AccountRecoverySetting = list(
RecoveryMechanisms = list(
Priority = 123,
Name = "verified_email"|"verified_phone_number"|"admin_only"