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List Deployments

codedeploy_list_deployments R Documentation

Lists the deployments in a deployment group for an application registered with the user or Amazon Web Services account


Lists the deployments in a deployment group for an application registered with the user or Amazon Web Services account.


codedeploy_list_deployments(applicationName, deploymentGroupName,
  externalId, includeOnlyStatuses, createTimeRange, nextToken)



The name of an CodeDeploy application associated with the user or Amazon Web Services account.

If applicationName is specified, then deploymentGroupName must be specified. If it is not specified, then deploymentGroupName must not be specified.


The name of a deployment group for the specified application.

If deploymentGroupName is specified, then applicationName must be specified. If it is not specified, then applicationName must not be specified.


The unique ID of an external resource for returning deployments linked to the external resource.


A subset of deployments to list by status:

  • Created: Include created deployments in the resulting list.

  • Queued: Include queued deployments in the resulting list.

  • ⁠In Progress⁠: Include in-progress deployments in the resulting list.

  • Succeeded: Include successful deployments in the resulting list.

  • Failed: Include failed deployments in the resulting list.

  • Stopped: Include stopped deployments in the resulting list.


A time range (start and end) for returning a subset of the list of deployments.


An identifier returned from the previous list deployments call. It can be used to return the next set of deployments in the list.


A list with the following syntax:

  deployments = list(
  nextToken = "string"

Request syntax

  applicationName = "string",
  deploymentGroupName = "string",
  externalId = "string",
  includeOnlyStatuses = list(
  createTimeRange = list(
    start = as.POSIXct(
    end = as.POSIXct(
  nextToken = "string"