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Continue Deployment

codedeploy_continue_deployment R Documentation

For a blue/green deployment, starts the process of rerouting traffic from instances in the original environment to instances in the replacement environment without waiting for a specified wait time to elapse


For a blue/green deployment, starts the process of rerouting traffic from instances in the original environment to instances in the replacement environment without waiting for a specified wait time to elapse. (Traffic rerouting, which is achieved by registering instances in the replacement environment with the load balancer, can start as soon as all instances have a status of Ready.)


codedeploy_continue_deployment(deploymentId, deploymentWaitType)



The unique ID of a blue/green deployment for which you want to start rerouting traffic to the replacement environment.


The status of the deployment's waiting period. READY_WAIT indicates that the deployment is ready to start shifting traffic. TERMINATION_WAIT indicates that the traffic is shifted, but the original target is not terminated.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  deploymentId = "string",
  deploymentWaitType = "READY_WAIT"|"TERMINATION_WAIT"