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Delete File

codecommit_delete_file R Documentation

Deletes a specified file from a specified branch


Deletes a specified file from a specified branch. A commit is created on the branch that contains the revision. The file still exists in the commits earlier to the commit that contains the deletion.


codecommit_delete_file(repositoryName, branchName, filePath,
  parentCommitId, keepEmptyFolders, commitMessage, name, email)



[required] The name of the repository that contains the file to delete.


[required] The name of the branch where the commit that deletes the file is made.


[required] The fully qualified path to the file that to be deleted, including the full name and extension of that file. For example, /examples/ is a fully qualified path to a file named in a folder named examples.


[required] The ID of the commit that is the tip of the branch where you want to create the commit that deletes the file. This must be the HEAD commit for the branch. The commit that deletes the file is created from this commit ID.


If a file is the only object in the folder or directory, specifies whether to delete the folder or directory that contains the file. By default, empty folders are deleted. This includes empty folders that are part of the directory structure. For example, if the path to a file is dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4, and dir2 and dir3 are empty, deleting the last file in dir4 also deletes the empty folders dir4, dir3, and dir2.


The commit message you want to include as part of deleting the file. Commit messages are limited to 256 KB. If no message is specified, a default message is used.


The name of the author of the commit that deletes the file. If no name is specified, the user's ARN is used as the author name and committer name.


The email address for the commit that deletes the file. If no email address is specified, the email address is left blank.


A list with the following syntax:

  commitId = "string",
  blobId = "string",
  treeId = "string",
  filePath = "string"

Request syntax

  repositoryName = "string",
  branchName = "string",
  filePath = "string",
  parentCommitId = "string",
  keepEmptyFolders = TRUE|FALSE,
  commitMessage = "string",
  name = "string",
  email = "string"