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Create Webhook

codebuild_create_webhook R Documentation

For an existing CodeBuild build project that has its source code stored in a GitHub or Bitbucket repository, enables CodeBuild to start rebuilding the source code every time a code change is pushed to the repository


For an existing CodeBuild build project that has its source code stored in a GitHub or Bitbucket repository, enables CodeBuild to start rebuilding the source code every time a code change is pushed to the repository.

If you enable webhooks for an CodeBuild project, and the project is used as a build step in CodePipeline, then two identical builds are created for each commit. One build is triggered through webhooks, and one through CodePipeline. Because billing is on a per-build basis, you are billed for both builds. Therefore, if you are using CodePipeline, we recommend that you disable webhooks in CodeBuild. In the CodeBuild console, clear the Webhook box. For more information, see step 5 in Change a Build Project's Settings.


codebuild_create_webhook(projectName, branchFilter, filterGroups,
  buildType, manualCreation, scopeConfiguration)



[required] The name of the CodeBuild project.


A regular expression used to determine which repository branches are built when a webhook is triggered. If the name of a branch matches the regular expression, then it is built. If branchFilter is empty, then all branches are built.

It is recommended that you use filterGroups instead of branchFilter.


An array of arrays of WebhookFilter objects used to determine which webhooks are triggered. At least one WebhookFilter in the array must specify EVENT as its type.

For a build to be triggered, at least one filter group in the filterGroups array must pass. For a filter group to pass, each of its filters must pass.


Specifies the type of build this webhook will trigger.


If manualCreation is true, CodeBuild doesn't create a webhook in GitHub and instead returns payloadUrl and secret values for the webhook. The payloadUrl and secret values in the output can be used to manually create a webhook within GitHub.

manualCreation is only available for GitHub webhooks.


The scope configuration for global or organization webhooks.

Global or organization webhooks are only available for GitHub and Github Enterprise webhooks.


A list with the following syntax:

  webhook = list(
    url = "string",
    payloadUrl = "string",
    secret = "string",
    branchFilter = "string",
    filterGroups = list(
          pattern = "string",
          excludeMatchedPattern = TRUE|FALSE
    buildType = "BUILD"|"BUILD_BATCH",
    manualCreation = TRUE|FALSE,
    lastModifiedSecret = as.POSIXct(
    scopeConfiguration = list(
      name = "string",
      domain = "string",

Request syntax

  projectName = "string",
  branchFilter = "string",
  filterGroups = list(
        pattern = "string",
        excludeMatchedPattern = TRUE|FALSE
  buildType = "BUILD"|"BUILD_BATCH",
  manualCreation = TRUE|FALSE,
  scopeConfiguration = list(
    name = "string",
    domain = "string",