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Disassociate Kms Key

cloudwatchlogs_disassociate_kms_key R Documentation

Disassociates the specified KMS key from the specified log group or from all CloudWatch Logs Insights query results in the account


Disassociates the specified KMS key from the specified log group or from all CloudWatch Logs Insights query results in the account.

When you use disassociate_kms_key, you specify either the logGroupName parameter or the resourceIdentifier parameter. You can't specify both of those parameters in the same operation.

  • Specify the logGroupName parameter to stop using the KMS key to encrypt future log events ingested and stored in the log group. Instead, they will be encrypted with the default CloudWatch Logs method. The log events that were ingested while the key was associated with the log group are still encrypted with that key. Therefore, CloudWatch Logs will need permissions for the key whenever that data is accessed.

  • Specify the resourceIdentifier parameter with the query-result resource to stop using the KMS key to encrypt the results of all future start_query operations in the account. They will instead be encrypted with the default CloudWatch Logs method. The results from queries that ran while the key was associated with the account are still encrypted with that key. Therefore, CloudWatch Logs will need permissions for the key whenever that data is accessed.

It can take up to 5 minutes for this operation to take effect.


cloudwatchlogs_disassociate_kms_key(logGroupName, resourceIdentifier)



The name of the log group.

In your disassociate_kms_key operation, you must specify either the resourceIdentifier parameter or the logGroup parameter, but you can't specify both.


Specifies the target for this operation. You must specify one of the following:

  • Specify the ARN of a log group to stop having CloudWatch Logs use the KMS key to encrypt log events that are ingested and stored by that log group. After you run this operation, CloudWatch Logs encrypts ingested log events with the default CloudWatch Logs method. The log group ARN must be in the following format. Replace REGION and ACCOUNT_ID with your Region and account ID.


  • Specify the following ARN to stop using this key to encrypt the results of future start_query operations in this account. Replace REGION and ACCOUNT_ID with your Region and account ID.


In your DisssociateKmsKey operation, you must specify either the resourceIdentifier parameter or the logGroup parameter, but you can't specify both.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  logGroupName = "string",
  resourceIdentifier = "string"