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Describe Log Groups

cloudwatchlogs_describe_log_groups R Documentation

Lists the specified log groups


Lists the specified log groups. You can list all your log groups or filter the results by prefix. The results are ASCII-sorted by log group name.

CloudWatch Logs doesn't support IAM policies that control access to the describe_log_groups action by using the aws:ResourceTag/key-name condition key. Other CloudWatch Logs actions do support the use of the aws:ResourceTag/key-name condition key to control access. For more information about using tags to control access, see Controlling access to Amazon Web Services resources using tags.

If you are using CloudWatch cross-account observability, you can use this operation in a monitoring account and view data from the linked source accounts. For more information, see CloudWatch cross-account observability.


  logGroupNamePrefix, logGroupNamePattern, nextToken, limit,
  includeLinkedAccounts, logGroupClass)



When includeLinkedAccounts is set to True, use this parameter to specify the list of accounts to search. You can specify as many as 20 account IDs in the array.


The prefix to match.

logGroupNamePrefix and logGroupNamePattern are mutually exclusive. Only one of these parameters can be passed.


If you specify a string for this parameter, the operation returns only log groups that have names that match the string based on a case-sensitive substring search. For example, if you specify Foo, log groups named FooBar, aws/Foo, and GroupFoo would match, but foo, F/o/o and Froo would not match.

If you specify logGroupNamePattern in your request, then only arn, creationTime, and logGroupName are included in the response.

logGroupNamePattern and logGroupNamePrefix are mutually exclusive. Only one of these parameters can be passed.


The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)


The maximum number of items returned. If you don't specify a value, the default is up to 50 items.


If you are using a monitoring account, set this to True to have the operation return log groups in the accounts listed in accountIdentifiers.

If this parameter is set to true and accountIdentifiers contains a null value, the operation returns all log groups in the monitoring account and all log groups in all source accounts that are linked to the monitoring account.


Specifies the log group class for this log group. There are two classes:

  • The Standard log class supports all CloudWatch Logs features.

  • The ⁠Infrequent Access⁠ log class supports a subset of CloudWatch Logs features and incurs lower costs.

For details about the features supported by each class, see Log classes


A list with the following syntax:

  logGroups = list(
      logGroupName = "string",
      creationTime = 123,
      retentionInDays = 123,
      metricFilterCount = 123,
      arn = "string",
      storedBytes = 123,
      kmsKeyId = "string",
      dataProtectionStatus = "ACTIVATED"|"DELETED"|"ARCHIVED"|"DISABLED",
      inheritedProperties = list(
      logGroupClass = "STANDARD"|"INFREQUENT_ACCESS",
      logGroupArn = "string"
  nextToken = "string"

Request syntax

  accountIdentifiers = list(
  logGroupNamePrefix = "string",
  logGroupNamePattern = "string",
  nextToken = "string",
  limit = 123,
  includeLinkedAccounts = TRUE|FALSE,