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Create Project

cloudwatchevidently_create_project R Documentation

Creates a project, which is the logical object in Evidently that can contain features, launches, and experiments


Creates a project, which is the logical object in Evidently that can contain features, launches, and experiments. Use projects to group similar features together.

To update an existing project, use update_project.


cloudwatchevidently_create_project(appConfigResource, dataDelivery,
  description, name, tags)



Use this parameter if the project will use client-side evaluation powered by AppConfig. Client-side evaluation allows your application to assign variations to user sessions locally instead of by calling the evaluate_feature operation. This mitigates the latency and availability risks that come with an API call. For more information, see Client-side evaluation - powered by AppConfig.

This parameter is a structure that contains information about the AppConfig application and environment that will be used as for client-side evaluation.

To create a project that uses client-side evaluation, you must have the evidently:ExportProjectAsConfiguration permission.


A structure that contains information about where Evidently is to store evaluation events for longer term storage, if you choose to do so. If you choose not to store these events, Evidently deletes them after using them to produce metrics and other experiment results that you can view.


An optional description of the project.


[required] The name for the project.


Assigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the project.

Tags can help you organize and categorize your resources. You can also use them to scope user permissions by granting a user permission to access or change only resources with certain tag values.

Tags don't have any semantic meaning to Amazon Web Services and are interpreted strictly as strings of characters.

You can associate as many as 50 tags with a project.

For more information, see Tagging Amazon Web Services resources.


A list with the following syntax:

  project = list(
    activeExperimentCount = 123,
    activeLaunchCount = 123,
    appConfigResource = list(
      applicationId = "string",
      configurationProfileId = "string",
      environmentId = "string"
    arn = "string",
    createdTime = as.POSIXct(
    dataDelivery = list(
      cloudWatchLogs = list(
        logGroup = "string"
      s3Destination = list(
        bucket = "string",
        prefix = "string"
    description = "string",
    experimentCount = 123,
    featureCount = 123,
    lastUpdatedTime = as.POSIXct(
    launchCount = 123,
    name = "string",
    status = "AVAILABLE"|"UPDATING",
    tags = list(

Request syntax

  appConfigResource = list(
    applicationId = "string",
    environmentId = "string"
  dataDelivery = list(
    cloudWatchLogs = list(
      logGroup = "string"
    s3Destination = list(
      bucket = "string",
      prefix = "string"
  description = "string",
  name = "string",
  tags = list(