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Delete Index Field

cloudsearch_delete_index_field R Documentation

Removes an IndexField from the search domain


Removes an IndexField from the search domain. For more information, see Configuring Index Fields in the Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide.


cloudsearch_delete_index_field(DomainName, IndexFieldName)





[required] The name of the index field your want to remove from the domain's indexing options.


A list with the following syntax:

  IndexField = list(
    Options = list(
      IndexFieldName = "string",
      IndexFieldType = "int"|"double"|"literal"|"text"|"date"|"latlon"|"int-array"|"double-array"|"literal-array"|"text-array"|"date-array",
      IntOptions = list(
        DefaultValue = 123,
        SourceField = "string",
        FacetEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SearchEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReturnEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SortEnabled = TRUE|FALSE
      DoubleOptions = list(
        DefaultValue = 123.0,
        SourceField = "string",
        FacetEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SearchEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReturnEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SortEnabled = TRUE|FALSE
      LiteralOptions = list(
        DefaultValue = "string",
        SourceField = "string",
        FacetEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SearchEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReturnEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SortEnabled = TRUE|FALSE
      TextOptions = list(
        DefaultValue = "string",
        SourceField = "string",
        ReturnEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SortEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        HighlightEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        AnalysisScheme = "string"
      DateOptions = list(
        DefaultValue = "string",
        SourceField = "string",
        FacetEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SearchEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReturnEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SortEnabled = TRUE|FALSE
      LatLonOptions = list(
        DefaultValue = "string",
        SourceField = "string",
        FacetEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SearchEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReturnEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SortEnabled = TRUE|FALSE
      IntArrayOptions = list(
        DefaultValue = 123,
        SourceFields = "string",
        FacetEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SearchEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReturnEnabled = TRUE|FALSE
      DoubleArrayOptions = list(
        DefaultValue = 123.0,
        SourceFields = "string",
        FacetEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SearchEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReturnEnabled = TRUE|FALSE
      LiteralArrayOptions = list(
        DefaultValue = "string",
        SourceFields = "string",
        FacetEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SearchEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReturnEnabled = TRUE|FALSE
      TextArrayOptions = list(
        DefaultValue = "string",
        SourceFields = "string",
        ReturnEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        HighlightEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        AnalysisScheme = "string"
      DateArrayOptions = list(
        DefaultValue = "string",
        SourceFields = "string",
        FacetEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        SearchEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReturnEnabled = TRUE|FALSE
    Status = list(
      CreationDate = as.POSIXct(
      UpdateDate = as.POSIXct(
      UpdateVersion = 123,
      State = "RequiresIndexDocuments"|"Processing"|"Active"|"FailedToValidate",
      PendingDeletion = TRUE|FALSE

Request syntax

  DomainName = "string",
  IndexFieldName = "string"