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Get Response Headers Policy Config

cloudfront_get_response_headers_policy_config R Documentation

Gets a response headers policy configuration


Gets a response headers policy configuration.

To get a response headers policy configuration, you must provide the policy's identifier. If the response headers policy is attached to a distribution's cache behavior, you can get the policy's identifier using list_distributions or get_distribution. If the response headers policy is not attached to a cache behavior, you can get the identifier using list_response_headers_policies.





[required] The identifier for the response headers policy.

If the response headers policy is attached to a distribution's cache behavior, you can get the policy's identifier using list_distributions or get_distribution. If the response headers policy is not attached to a cache behavior, you can get the identifier using list_response_headers_policies.


A list with the following syntax:

  ResponseHeadersPolicyConfig = list(
    Comment = "string",
    Name = "string",
    CorsConfig = list(
      AccessControlAllowOrigins = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
      AccessControlAllowHeaders = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
      AccessControlAllowMethods = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
      AccessControlAllowCredentials = TRUE|FALSE,
      AccessControlExposeHeaders = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
      AccessControlMaxAgeSec = 123,
      OriginOverride = TRUE|FALSE
    SecurityHeadersConfig = list(
      XSSProtection = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE,
        Protection = TRUE|FALSE,
        ModeBlock = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReportUri = "string"
      FrameOptions = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE,
        FrameOption = "DENY"|"SAMEORIGIN"
      ReferrerPolicy = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE,
        ReferrerPolicy = "no-referrer"|"no-referrer-when-downgrade"|"origin"|"origin-when-cross-origin"|"same-origin"|"strict-origin"|"strict-origin-when-cross-origin"|"unsafe-url"
      ContentSecurityPolicy = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE,
        ContentSecurityPolicy = "string"
      ContentTypeOptions = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE
      StrictTransportSecurity = list(
        Override = TRUE|FALSE,
        IncludeSubdomains = TRUE|FALSE,
        Preload = TRUE|FALSE,
        AccessControlMaxAgeSec = 123
    ServerTimingHeadersConfig = list(
      Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      SamplingRate = 123.0
    CustomHeadersConfig = list(
      Quantity = 123,
      Items = list(
          Header = "string",
          Value = "string",
          Override = TRUE|FALSE
    RemoveHeadersConfig = list(
      Quantity = 123,
      Items = list(
          Header = "string"
  ETag = "string"

Request syntax

  Id = "string"