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Copy Distribution

cloudfront_copy_distribution R Documentation

Creates a staging distribution using the configuration of the provided primary distribution


Creates a staging distribution using the configuration of the provided primary distribution. A staging distribution is a copy of an existing distribution (called the primary distribution) that you can use in a continuous deployment workflow.

After you create a staging distribution, you can use update_distribution to modify the staging distribution's configuration. Then you can use create_continuous_deployment_policy to incrementally move traffic to the staging distribution.

This API operation requires the following IAM permissions:

  • get_distribution

  • create_distribution

  • copy_distribution


cloudfront_copy_distribution(PrimaryDistributionId, Staging, IfMatch,
  CallerReference, Enabled)



[required] The identifier of the primary distribution whose configuration you are copying. To get a distribution ID, use list_distributions.


The type of distribution that your primary distribution will be copied to. The only valid value is True, indicating that you are copying to a staging distribution.


The version identifier of the primary distribution whose configuration you are copying. This is the ETag value returned in the response to get_distribution and get_distribution_config.


[required] A value that uniquely identifies a request to create a resource. This helps to prevent CloudFront from creating a duplicate resource if you accidentally resubmit an identical request.


A Boolean flag to specify the state of the staging distribution when it's created. When you set this value to True, the staging distribution is enabled. When you set this value to False, the staging distribution is disabled.

If you omit this field, the default value is True.


A list with the following syntax:

  Distribution = list(
    Id = "string",
    ARN = "string",
    Status = "string",
    LastModifiedTime = as.POSIXct(
    InProgressInvalidationBatches = 123,
    DomainName = "string",
    ActiveTrustedSigners = list(
      Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      Quantity = 123,
      Items = list(
          AwsAccountNumber = "string",
          KeyPairIds = list(
            Quantity = 123,
            Items = list(
    ActiveTrustedKeyGroups = list(
      Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      Quantity = 123,
      Items = list(
          KeyGroupId = "string",
          KeyPairIds = list(
            Quantity = 123,
            Items = list(
    DistributionConfig = list(
      CallerReference = "string",
      Aliases = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
      DefaultRootObject = "string",
      Origins = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
            Id = "string",
            DomainName = "string",
            OriginPath = "string",
            CustomHeaders = list(
              Quantity = 123,
              Items = list(
                  HeaderName = "string",
                  HeaderValue = "string"
            S3OriginConfig = list(
              OriginAccessIdentity = "string"
            CustomOriginConfig = list(
              HTTPPort = 123,
              HTTPSPort = 123,
              OriginProtocolPolicy = "http-only"|"match-viewer"|"https-only",
              OriginSslProtocols = list(
                Quantity = 123,
                Items = list(
              OriginReadTimeout = 123,
              OriginKeepaliveTimeout = 123
            VpcOriginConfig = list(
              VpcOriginId = "string",
              OriginReadTimeout = 123,
              OriginKeepaliveTimeout = 123
            ConnectionAttempts = 123,
            ConnectionTimeout = 123,
            OriginShield = list(
              Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
              OriginShieldRegion = "string"
            OriginAccessControlId = "string"
      OriginGroups = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
            Id = "string",
            FailoverCriteria = list(
              StatusCodes = list(
                Quantity = 123,
                Items = list(
            Members = list(
              Quantity = 123,
              Items = list(
                  OriginId = "string"
            SelectionCriteria = "default"|"media-quality-based"
      DefaultCacheBehavior = list(
        TargetOriginId = "string",
        TrustedSigners = list(
          Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
          Quantity = 123,
          Items = list(
        TrustedKeyGroups = list(
          Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
          Quantity = 123,
          Items = list(
        ViewerProtocolPolicy = "allow-all"|"https-only"|"redirect-to-https",
        AllowedMethods = list(
          Quantity = 123,
          Items = list(
          CachedMethods = list(
            Quantity = 123,
            Items = list(
        SmoothStreaming = TRUE|FALSE,
        Compress = TRUE|FALSE,
        LambdaFunctionAssociations = list(
          Quantity = 123,
          Items = list(
              LambdaFunctionARN = "string",
              EventType = "viewer-request"|"viewer-response"|"origin-request"|"origin-response",
              IncludeBody = TRUE|FALSE
        FunctionAssociations = list(
          Quantity = 123,
          Items = list(
              FunctionARN = "string",
              EventType = "viewer-request"|"viewer-response"|"origin-request"|"origin-response"
        FieldLevelEncryptionId = "string",
        RealtimeLogConfigArn = "string",
        CachePolicyId = "string",
        OriginRequestPolicyId = "string",
        ResponseHeadersPolicyId = "string",
        GrpcConfig = list(
          Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
        ForwardedValues = list(
          QueryString = TRUE|FALSE,
          Cookies = list(
            Forward = "none"|"whitelist"|"all",
            WhitelistedNames = list(
              Quantity = 123,
              Items = list(
          Headers = list(
            Quantity = 123,
            Items = list(
          QueryStringCacheKeys = list(
            Quantity = 123,
            Items = list(
        MinTTL = 123,
        DefaultTTL = 123,
        MaxTTL = 123
      CacheBehaviors = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
            PathPattern = "string",
            TargetOriginId = "string",
            TrustedSigners = list(
              Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
              Quantity = 123,
              Items = list(
            TrustedKeyGroups = list(
              Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
              Quantity = 123,
              Items = list(
            ViewerProtocolPolicy = "allow-all"|"https-only"|"redirect-to-https",
            AllowedMethods = list(
              Quantity = 123,
              Items = list(
              CachedMethods = list(
                Quantity = 123,
                Items = list(
            SmoothStreaming = TRUE|FALSE,
            Compress = TRUE|FALSE,
            LambdaFunctionAssociations = list(
              Quantity = 123,
              Items = list(
                  LambdaFunctionARN = "string",
                  EventType = "viewer-request"|"viewer-response"|"origin-request"|"origin-response",
                  IncludeBody = TRUE|FALSE
            FunctionAssociations = list(
              Quantity = 123,
              Items = list(
                  FunctionARN = "string",
                  EventType = "viewer-request"|"viewer-response"|"origin-request"|"origin-response"
            FieldLevelEncryptionId = "string",
            RealtimeLogConfigArn = "string",
            CachePolicyId = "string",
            OriginRequestPolicyId = "string",
            ResponseHeadersPolicyId = "string",
            GrpcConfig = list(
              Enabled = TRUE|FALSE
            ForwardedValues = list(
              QueryString = TRUE|FALSE,
              Cookies = list(
                Forward = "none"|"whitelist"|"all",
                WhitelistedNames = list(
                  Quantity = 123,
                  Items = list(
              Headers = list(
                Quantity = 123,
                Items = list(
              QueryStringCacheKeys = list(
                Quantity = 123,
                Items = list(
            MinTTL = 123,
            DefaultTTL = 123,
            MaxTTL = 123
      CustomErrorResponses = list(
        Quantity = 123,
        Items = list(
            ErrorCode = 123,
            ResponsePagePath = "string",
            ResponseCode = "string",
            ErrorCachingMinTTL = 123
      Comment = "string",
      Logging = list(
        Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
        IncludeCookies = TRUE|FALSE,
        Bucket = "string",
        Prefix = "string"
      PriceClass = "PriceClass_100"|"PriceClass_200"|"PriceClass_All",
      Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      ViewerCertificate = list(
        CloudFrontDefaultCertificate = TRUE|FALSE,
        IAMCertificateId = "string",
        ACMCertificateArn = "string",
        SSLSupportMethod = "sni-only"|"vip"|"static-ip",
        MinimumProtocolVersion = "SSLv3"|"TLSv1"|"TLSv1_2016"|"TLSv1.1_2016"|"TLSv1.2_2018"|"TLSv1.2_2019"|"TLSv1.2_2021",
        Certificate = "string",
        CertificateSource = "cloudfront"|"iam"|"acm"
      Restrictions = list(
        GeoRestriction = list(
          RestrictionType = "blacklist"|"whitelist"|"none",
          Quantity = 123,
          Items = list(
      WebACLId = "string",
      HttpVersion = "http1.1"|"http2"|"http3"|"http2and3",
      IsIPV6Enabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      ContinuousDeploymentPolicyId = "string",
      Staging = TRUE|FALSE,
      AnycastIpListId = "string"
    AliasICPRecordals = list(
        CNAME = "string",
        ICPRecordalStatus = "APPROVED"|"SUSPENDED"|"PENDING"
  Location = "string",
  ETag = "string"

Request syntax

  PrimaryDistributionId = "string",
  Staging = TRUE|FALSE,
  IfMatch = "string",
  CallerReference = "string",
  Enabled = TRUE|FALSE