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List Jobs

batch_list_jobs R Documentation

Returns a list of Batch jobs


Returns a list of Batch jobs.

You must specify only one of the following items:

  • A job queue ID to return a list of jobs in that job queue

  • A multi-node parallel job ID to return a list of nodes for that job

  • An array job ID to return a list of the children for that job

You can filter the results by job status with the jobStatus parameter. If you don't specify a status, only RUNNING jobs are returned.


batch_list_jobs(jobQueue, arrayJobId, multiNodeJobId, jobStatus,
  maxResults, nextToken, filters)



The name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the job queue used to list jobs.


The job ID for an array job. Specifying an array job ID with this parameter lists all child jobs from within the specified array.


The job ID for a multi-node parallel job. Specifying a multi-node parallel job ID with this parameter lists all nodes that are associated with the specified job.


The job status used to filter jobs in the specified queue. If the filters parameter is specified, the jobStatus parameter is ignored and jobs with any status are returned. If you don't specify a status, only RUNNING jobs are returned.


The maximum number of results returned by list_jobs in a paginated output. When this parameter is used, list_jobs returns up to maxResults results in a single page and a nextToken response element, if applicable. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another list_jobs request with the returned nextToken value.

The following outlines key parameters and limitations:

  • The minimum value is 1.

  • When --job-status is used, Batch returns up to 1000 values.

  • When --filters is used, Batch returns up to 100 values.

  • If neither parameter is used, then list_jobs returns up to 1000 results (jobs that are in the RUNNING status) and a nextToken value, if applicable.


The nextToken value returned from a previous paginated list_jobs request where maxResults was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the nextToken value. This value is null when there are no more results to return.

Treat this token as an opaque identifier that's only used to retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.


The filter to apply to the query. Only one filter can be used at a time. When the filter is used, jobStatus is ignored. The filter doesn't apply to child jobs in an array or multi-node parallel (MNP) jobs. The results are sorted by the createdAt field, with the most recent jobs being first.


The value of the filter is a case-insensitive match for the job name. If the value ends with an asterisk (), the filter matches any job name that begins with the string before the ''. This corresponds to the jobName value. For example, test1 matches both Test1 and test1, and ⁠test1*⁠ matches both test1 and Test10. When the JOB_NAME filter is used, the results are grouped by the job name and version.


The value for the filter is the name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the job definition. This corresponds to the jobDefinition value. The value is case sensitive. When the value for the filter is the job definition name, the results include all the jobs that used any revision of that job definition name. If the value ends with an asterisk (), the filter matches any job definition name that begins with the string before the ''. For example, jd1 matches only jd1, and ⁠jd1*⁠ matches both jd1 and jd1A. The version of the job definition that's used doesn't affect the sort order. When the JOB_DEFINITION filter is used and the ARN is used (which is in the form ⁠arn:${Partition}:batch:${Region}:${Account}:job-definition/${JobDefinitionName}:${Revision}⁠), the results include jobs that used the specified revision of the job definition. Asterisk (*) isn't supported when the ARN is used.


The value for the filter is the time that's before the job was created. This corresponds to the createdAt value. The value is a string representation of the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 UTC (midnight) on January 1, 1970.


The value for the filter is the time that's after the job was created. This corresponds to the createdAt value. The value is a string representation of the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 UTC (midnight) on January 1, 1970.


A list with the following syntax:

  jobSummaryList = list(
      jobArn = "string",
      jobId = "string",
      jobName = "string",
      createdAt = 123,
      statusReason = "string",
      startedAt = 123,
      stoppedAt = 123,
      container = list(
        exitCode = 123,
        reason = "string"
      arrayProperties = list(
        size = 123,
        index = 123
      nodeProperties = list(
        isMainNode = TRUE|FALSE,
        numNodes = 123,
        nodeIndex = 123
      jobDefinition = "string"
  nextToken = "string"

Request syntax

  jobQueue = "string",
  arrayJobId = "string",
  multiNodeJobId = "string",
  maxResults = 123,
  nextToken = "string",
  filters = list(
      name = "string",
      values = list(


## Not run: 
# This example lists the running jobs in the HighPriority job queue.
  jobQueue = "HighPriority"

# This example lists jobs in the HighPriority job queue that are in the
# SUBMITTED job status.
  jobQueue = "HighPriority",
  jobStatus = "SUBMITTED"

## End(Not run)