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Create Restore Testing Selection

backup_create_restore_testing_selection R Documentation

This request can be sent after CreateRestoreTestingPlan request returns successfully


This request can be sent after CreateRestoreTestingPlan request returns successfully. This is the second part of creating a resource testing plan, and it must be completed sequentially.

This consists of RestoreTestingSelectionName, ProtectedResourceType, and one of the following:

  • ProtectedResourceArns

  • ProtectedResourceConditions

Each protected resource type can have one single value.

A restore testing selection can include a wildcard value ("*") for ProtectedResourceArns along with ProtectedResourceConditions. Alternatively, you can include up to 30 specific protected resource ARNs in ProtectedResourceArns.

Cannot select by both protected resource types AND specific ARNs. Request will fail if both are included.


  RestoreTestingPlanName, RestoreTestingSelection)



This is an optional unique string that identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of running the operation twice. If used, this parameter must contain 1 to 50 alphanumeric or '-_.' characters.


[required] Input the restore testing plan name that was returned from the related CreateRestoreTestingPlan request.


[required] This consists of RestoreTestingSelectionName, ProtectedResourceType, and one of the following:

  • ProtectedResourceArns

  • ProtectedResourceConditions

Each protected resource type can have one single value.

A restore testing selection can include a wildcard value ("*") for ProtectedResourceArns along with ProtectedResourceConditions. Alternatively, you can include up to 30 specific protected resource ARNs in ProtectedResourceArns.


A list with the following syntax:

  CreationTime = as.POSIXct(
  RestoreTestingPlanArn = "string",
  RestoreTestingPlanName = "string",
  RestoreTestingSelectionName = "string"

Request syntax

  CreatorRequestId = "string",
  RestoreTestingPlanName = "string",
  RestoreTestingSelection = list(
    IamRoleArn = "string",
    ProtectedResourceArns = list(
    ProtectedResourceConditions = list(
      StringEquals = list(
          Key = "string",
          Value = "string"
      StringNotEquals = list(
          Key = "string",
          Value = "string"
    ProtectedResourceType = "string",
    RestoreMetadataOverrides = list(
    RestoreTestingSelectionName = "string",
    ValidationWindowHours = 123