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Describe Scaling Activities

autoscaling_describe_scaling_activities R Documentation

Gets information about the scaling activities in the account and Region


Gets information about the scaling activities in the account and Region.

When scaling events occur, you see a record of the scaling activity in the scaling activities. For more information, see Verify a scaling activity for an Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.

If the scaling event succeeds, the value of the StatusCode element in the response is Successful. If an attempt to launch instances failed, the StatusCode value is Failed or Cancelled and the StatusMessage element in the response indicates the cause of the failure. For help interpreting the StatusMessage, see Troubleshooting Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.


  AutoScalingGroupName, IncludeDeletedGroups, MaxRecords, NextToken)



The activity IDs of the desired scaling activities. If you omit this property, all activities for the past six weeks are described. If unknown activities are requested, they are ignored with no error. If you specify an Auto Scaling group, the results are limited to that group.

Array Members: Maximum number of 50 IDs.


The name of the Auto Scaling group.


Indicates whether to include scaling activity from deleted Auto Scaling groups.


The maximum number of items to return with this call. The default value is 100 and the maximum value is 100.


The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)


A list with the following syntax:

  Activities = list(
      ActivityId = "string",
      AutoScalingGroupName = "string",
      Description = "string",
      Cause = "string",
      StartTime = as.POSIXct(
      EndTime = as.POSIXct(
      StatusCode = "PendingSpotBidPlacement"|"WaitingForSpotInstanceRequestId"|"WaitingForSpotInstanceId"|"WaitingForInstanceId"|"PreInService"|"InProgress"|"WaitingForELBConnectionDraining"|"MidLifecycleAction"|"WaitingForInstanceWarmup"|"Successful"|"Failed"|"Cancelled"|"WaitingForConnectionDraining",
      StatusMessage = "string",
      Progress = 123,
      Details = "string",
      AutoScalingGroupState = "string",
      AutoScalingGroupARN = "string"
  NextToken = "string"

Request syntax

  ActivityIds = list(
  AutoScalingGroupName = "string",
  IncludeDeletedGroups = TRUE|FALSE,
  MaxRecords = 123,
  NextToken = "string"


## Not run: 
# This example describes the scaling activities for the specified Auto
# Scaling group.
  AutoScalingGroupName = "my-auto-scaling-group"

## End(Not run)