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Get Evidence File Upload Url

auditmanager_get_evidence_file_upload_url R Documentation

Creates a presigned Amazon S3 URL that can be used to upload a file as manual evidence


Creates a presigned Amazon S3 URL that can be used to upload a file as manual evidence. For instructions on how to use this operation, see Upload a file from your browser in the Audit Manager User Guide.

The following restrictions apply to this operation:

  • Maximum size of an individual evidence file: 100 MB

  • Number of daily manual evidence uploads per control: 100

  • Supported file formats: See Supported file types for manual evidence in the Audit Manager User Guide

For more information about Audit Manager service restrictions, see Quotas and restrictions for Audit Manager.





[required] The file that you want to upload. For a list of supported file formats, see Supported file types for manual evidence in the Audit Manager User Guide.


A list with the following syntax:

  evidenceFileName = "string",
  uploadUrl = "string"

Request syntax

  fileName = "string"