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Create Data Catalog

athena_create_data_catalog R Documentation

Creates (registers) a data catalog with the specified name and properties


Creates (registers) a data catalog with the specified name and properties. Catalogs created are visible to all users of the same Amazon Web Services account.


athena_create_data_catalog(Name, Type, Description, Parameters, Tags)



[required] The name of the data catalog to create. The catalog name must be unique for the Amazon Web Services account and can use a maximum of 127 alphanumeric, underscore, at sign, or hyphen characters. The remainder of the length constraint of 256 is reserved for use by Athena.


[required] The type of data catalog to create: LAMBDA for a federated catalog, HIVE for an external hive metastore, or GLUE for an Glue Data Catalog.


A description of the data catalog to be created.


Specifies the Lambda function or functions to use for creating the data catalog. This is a mapping whose values depend on the catalog type.

  • For the HIVE data catalog type, use the following syntax. The ⁠metadata-function⁠ parameter is required. ⁠The sdk-version⁠ parameter is optional and defaults to the currently supported version.

    ⁠metadata-function=lambda_arn, sdk-version=version_number ⁠

  • For the LAMBDA data catalog type, use one of the following sets of required parameters, but not both.

    • If you have one Lambda function that processes metadata and another for reading the actual data, use the following syntax. Both parameters are required.

      ⁠metadata-function=lambda_arn, record-function=lambda_arn ⁠

    • If you have a composite Lambda function that processes both metadata and data, use the following syntax to specify your Lambda function.

      ⁠function=lambda_arn ⁠

  • The GLUE type takes a catalog ID parameter and is required. The catalog_id is the account ID of the Amazon Web Services account to which the Glue Data Catalog belongs.


    • The GLUE data catalog type also applies to the default AwsDataCatalog that already exists in your account, of which you can have only one and cannot modify.


A list of comma separated tags to add to the data catalog that is created.


An empty list.

Request syntax

  Name = "string",
  Type = "LAMBDA"|"GLUE"|"HIVE",
  Description = "string",
  Parameters = list(
  Tags = list(
      Key = "string",
      Value = "string"