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Resume Service

apprunner_resume_service R Documentation

Resume an active App Runner service


Resume an active App Runner service. App Runner provisions compute capacity for the service.

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the list_operations call to track the operation's progress.





[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the App Runner service that you want to resume.


A list with the following syntax:

  Service = list(
    ServiceName = "string",
    ServiceId = "string",
    ServiceArn = "string",
    ServiceUrl = "string",
    CreatedAt = as.POSIXct(
    UpdatedAt = as.POSIXct(
    DeletedAt = as.POSIXct(
    SourceConfiguration = list(
      CodeRepository = list(
        RepositoryUrl = "string",
        SourceCodeVersion = list(
          Type = "BRANCH",
          Value = "string"
        CodeConfiguration = list(
          ConfigurationSource = "REPOSITORY"|"API",
          CodeConfigurationValues = list(
            Runtime = "PYTHON_3"|"NODEJS_12"|"NODEJS_14"|"CORRETTO_8"|"CORRETTO_11"|"NODEJS_16"|"GO_1"|"DOTNET_6"|"PHP_81"|"RUBY_31"|"PYTHON_311"|"NODEJS_18",
            BuildCommand = "string",
            StartCommand = "string",
            Port = "string",
            RuntimeEnvironmentVariables = list(
            RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets = list(
        SourceDirectory = "string"
      ImageRepository = list(
        ImageIdentifier = "string",
        ImageConfiguration = list(
          RuntimeEnvironmentVariables = list(
          StartCommand = "string",
          Port = "string",
          RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets = list(
        ImageRepositoryType = "ECR"|"ECR_PUBLIC"
      AutoDeploymentsEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      AuthenticationConfiguration = list(
        ConnectionArn = "string",
        AccessRoleArn = "string"
    InstanceConfiguration = list(
      Cpu = "string",
      Memory = "string",
      InstanceRoleArn = "string"
    EncryptionConfiguration = list(
      KmsKey = "string"
    HealthCheckConfiguration = list(
      Protocol = "TCP"|"HTTP",
      Path = "string",
      Interval = 123,
      Timeout = 123,
      HealthyThreshold = 123,
      UnhealthyThreshold = 123
    AutoScalingConfigurationSummary = list(
      AutoScalingConfigurationArn = "string",
      AutoScalingConfigurationName = "string",
      AutoScalingConfigurationRevision = 123,
      Status = "ACTIVE"|"INACTIVE",
      CreatedAt = as.POSIXct(
      HasAssociatedService = TRUE|FALSE,
      IsDefault = TRUE|FALSE
    NetworkConfiguration = list(
      EgressConfiguration = list(
        EgressType = "DEFAULT"|"VPC",
        VpcConnectorArn = "string"
      IngressConfiguration = list(
        IsPubliclyAccessible = TRUE|FALSE
      IpAddressType = "IPV4"|"DUAL_STACK"
    ObservabilityConfiguration = list(
      ObservabilityEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      ObservabilityConfigurationArn = "string"
  OperationId = "string"

Request syntax

  ServiceArn = "string"