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Pause Service

apprunner_pause_service R Documentation

Pause an active App Runner service


Pause an active App Runner service. App Runner reduces compute capacity for the service to zero and loses state (for example, ephemeral storage is removed).

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the list_operations call to track the operation's progress.





[required] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the App Runner service that you want to pause.


A list with the following syntax:

  Service = list(
    ServiceName = "string",
    ServiceId = "string",
    ServiceArn = "string",
    ServiceUrl = "string",
    CreatedAt = as.POSIXct(
    UpdatedAt = as.POSIXct(
    DeletedAt = as.POSIXct(
    SourceConfiguration = list(
      CodeRepository = list(
        RepositoryUrl = "string",
        SourceCodeVersion = list(
          Type = "BRANCH",
          Value = "string"
        CodeConfiguration = list(
          ConfigurationSource = "REPOSITORY"|"API",
          CodeConfigurationValues = list(
            Runtime = "PYTHON_3"|"NODEJS_12"|"NODEJS_14"|"CORRETTO_8"|"CORRETTO_11"|"NODEJS_16"|"GO_1"|"DOTNET_6"|"PHP_81"|"RUBY_31"|"PYTHON_311"|"NODEJS_18",
            BuildCommand = "string",
            StartCommand = "string",
            Port = "string",
            RuntimeEnvironmentVariables = list(
            RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets = list(
        SourceDirectory = "string"
      ImageRepository = list(
        ImageIdentifier = "string",
        ImageConfiguration = list(
          RuntimeEnvironmentVariables = list(
          StartCommand = "string",
          Port = "string",
          RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets = list(
        ImageRepositoryType = "ECR"|"ECR_PUBLIC"
      AutoDeploymentsEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      AuthenticationConfiguration = list(
        ConnectionArn = "string",
        AccessRoleArn = "string"
    InstanceConfiguration = list(
      Cpu = "string",
      Memory = "string",
      InstanceRoleArn = "string"
    EncryptionConfiguration = list(
      KmsKey = "string"
    HealthCheckConfiguration = list(
      Protocol = "TCP"|"HTTP",
      Path = "string",
      Interval = 123,
      Timeout = 123,
      HealthyThreshold = 123,
      UnhealthyThreshold = 123
    AutoScalingConfigurationSummary = list(
      AutoScalingConfigurationArn = "string",
      AutoScalingConfigurationName = "string",
      AutoScalingConfigurationRevision = 123,
      Status = "ACTIVE"|"INACTIVE",
      CreatedAt = as.POSIXct(
      HasAssociatedService = TRUE|FALSE,
      IsDefault = TRUE|FALSE
    NetworkConfiguration = list(
      EgressConfiguration = list(
        EgressType = "DEFAULT"|"VPC",
        VpcConnectorArn = "string"
      IngressConfiguration = list(
        IsPubliclyAccessible = TRUE|FALSE
      IpAddressType = "IPV4"|"DUAL_STACK"
    ObservabilityConfiguration = list(
      ObservabilityEnabled = TRUE|FALSE,
      ObservabilityConfigurationArn = "string"
  OperationId = "string"

Request syntax

  ServiceArn = "string"