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Import Rest Api

apigateway_import_rest_api R Documentation

A feature of the API Gateway control service for creating a new API from an external API definition file


A feature of the API Gateway control service for creating a new API from an external API definition file.


apigateway_import_rest_api(failOnWarnings, parameters, body)



A query parameter to indicate whether to rollback the API creation (true) or not (false) when a warning is encountered. The default value is false.


A key-value map of context-specific query string parameters specifying the behavior of different API importing operations. The following shows operation-specific parameters and their supported values.

To exclude DocumentationParts from the import, set parameters as ignore=documentation.

To configure the endpoint type, set parameters as endpointConfigurationTypes=EDGE, endpointConfigurationTypes=REGIONAL, or endpointConfigurationTypes=PRIVATE. The default endpoint type is EDGE.

To handle imported basepath, set parameters as basepath=ignore, basepath=prepend or basepath=split.


[required] The POST request body containing external API definitions. Currently, only OpenAPI definition JSON/YAML files are supported. The maximum size of the API definition file is 6MB.


A list with the following syntax:

  id = "string",
  name = "string",
  description = "string",
  createdDate = as.POSIXct(
  version = "string",
  warnings = list(
  binaryMediaTypes = list(
  minimumCompressionSize = 123,
  apiKeySource = "HEADER"|"AUTHORIZER",
  endpointConfiguration = list(
    types = list(
    vpcEndpointIds = list(
  policy = "string",
  tags = list(
  disableExecuteApiEndpoint = TRUE|FALSE,
  rootResourceId = "string"

Request syntax

  failOnWarnings = TRUE|FALSE,
  parameters = list(
  body = raw