Creates a Task State to execute a SageMaker HyperParameterTuning Job.
-> stepfunctions::State
-> stepfunctions::Task
-> TuningStep
Inherited methods
Initialize TuningStep class
TuningStep$new( state_id, tuner, job_name, data, wait_for_completion = TRUE, tags = NULL, ... )
(str): State name whose length **must be** less than or equal to 128 unicode characters. State names **must be** unique within the scope of the whole state machine.
(sagemaker.tuner.HyperparameterTuner): The tuner to use in the TuningStep.
(str or Placeholder): Specify a tuning job name. We recommend to use :py:class:`~stepfunctions.inputs.ExecutionInput` placeholder collection to pass the value dynamically in each execution.
: Information about the training data. Please refer to the ``fit()`` method of the associated estimator in the tuner, as this can take any of the following forms:
(str) - The S3 location where training data is saved.
(list[str, str] or list[str, sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput]) - If using multiple channels for training data, you can specify a list mapping channel names to strings or :func:`~sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput` objects.
(sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput) - Channel configuration for S3 data sources that can provide additional information about the training dataset. See :func:`sagemaker.inputs.TrainingInput` for full details.
(sagemaker.amazon.amazon_estimator.RecordSet) - A collection of Amazon :class:`Record` objects serialized and stored in S3. For use with an estimator for an Amazon algorithm.
(list[sagemaker.amazon.amazon_estimator.RecordSet]) - A list of :class:`sagemaker.amazon.amazon_estimator.RecordSet` objects, where each instance is a different channel of training data.
(bool, optional): Boolean value set to `True` if the Task state should wait for the tuning job to complete before proceeding to the next step in the workflow. Set to `False` if the Task state should submit the tuning job and proceed to the next step. (default: True)
(list[list], optional): List to tags https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/API_Tag.html to associate with the resource.
: Extra Fields passed to Task class
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
TuningStep$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.