Creates a Task state to run an AWS Athena job. See Manage AWS Athena Jobs with Step Functions for more details.
-> stepfunctions::State
-> stepfunctions::Task
-> AthenaStopQueryExecutionStep
Inherited methods
Initialize AthenaStopQueryExecutionStep Task class
AthenaStopQueryExecutionStep$new( state_id, timeout_seconds = NULL, timeout_seconds_path = NULL, heartbeat_seconds = NULL, heartbeat_seconds_path = NULL, comment = NULL, input_path = NULL, parameters = NULL, result_path = NULL, output_path = NULL, ... )
(str): State name whose length **must be** less than or equal to 128 unicode characters. State names **must be** unique within the scope of the whole state machine.
(int, optional): Positive integer specifying timeout for the state in seconds. If the state runs longer than the specified timeout, then the interpreter fails the state with a `States.Timeout` Error Name. (default: 60)
(str, optional): Path specifying the state's timeout value in seconds from the state input. When resolved, the path must select a field whose value is a positive integer.
(int, optional): Positive integer specifying heartbeat timeout for the state in seconds. This value should be lower than the one specified for `timeout_seconds`. If more time than the specified heartbeat elapses between heartbeats from the task, then the interpreter fails the state with a `States.Timeout` Error Name.
(str, optional): Path specifying the state's heartbeat value in seconds from the state input. When resolved, the path must select a field whose value is a positive integer.
(str, optional): Human-readable comment or description. (default: None)
(str, optional): Path applied to the state’s raw input to select some or all of it; that selection is used by the state. (default: '$')
(list, optional): The value of this field becomes the effective input for the state.
(str, optional): Path specifying the raw input’s combination with or replacement by the state’s result. (default: '$')
(str, optional): Path applied to the state’s output after the application of `result_path`, producing the effective output which serves as the raw input for the next state. (default: '$')
: Extra Fields passed to Task class
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
AthenaStopQueryExecutionStep$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.